The Amanda WOD is a Benchmark Girl WOD used in CrossFit workouts to assess an athlete’s progress over time. This Girl WOD is a mixture of bodyweight and gymnastics movements combined with barbell movements.

Description of CrossFit Amanda WOD

3 Rounds for time of 9-7-5 reps of:

Click links for video demonstrations that discuss points of performance and scaling.

Note: An athlete can perform a Strict Muscle-Up as identified above or a Kipping Muscle-Up.

Goal times for the CrossFit Amanda WOD

WodStar RX Goal Times

  • Elite: Sub 3:30
  • Level 3: 3:30-4:30
  • Level 2: 4:30-5:30
  • Level 1: 5:30-10:00

Coaches/Athletes: These are estimated RX goal times, scale as needed to finish in these time frames.

Tips for the CrossFit Amanda WOD

  • The Amanda WOD was designed to be a sprint. When scaling, keep in mind you want efficient, not sloppy, movement to fall under a 10:00 minute time cap. Record your results and repeat the workout in the near future to measure improvement.
  • Avoid going to failure on your reps. Stop 1-2 reps short of failure to preserve muscle fatigue and endurance.
  • Put more focus into the mechanics of your least efficient movement(s), and make up time during your most efficient movement.
  • Click on the movement links below to view movement demos and points of performance.

Scales for the CrossFit Amanda WOD




  • Reduce load to a weight you can do 12-15 reps efficiently unbroken.
  • If the squat snatch is not efficient, then scale to a hang squat snatch or a hang snatch.


  • Apply a 10:00 time cap
  • Reduce to 1-2 rounds of 9-7-5
  • Or Reduce reps to 7-5-3