Program Description

Jog for 2 Minutes
Rest for 1 Minute
Jog for 1 Minute
Two Sets of:
Star Lunges x 10 per leg
Toe Touches x 10 per leg
Front to Back Leg Kicks x 10 per leg

Body Work:
1) Two sets of:
45 Second Side Plank (left)
60 Second plank
45 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second reverse grip dead hang from pull-up Bar
Rest 30 seconds, then
6/6 Kettlebell Windmills from 1/2 kneel (heavy)
20/20 Single Leg Hip Thrusts
10/10 Alternating lateral lunges (heavy kettlebell held at chest)
Rest as needed before last set

2) Back squat: Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets):
*Set 1 = 10 reps @ 60%
*Set 2 = 5 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 = 10 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 4 = 5 reps @ 75%
*Set 5 = 10 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 6 = 5 reps @ 75-80%

5 Sets
2 Mins max distance run
12/12 KB Russian twists (moderate weight)
Rest 1 min

Hips and Hamstrings

3 Sets
10 Touch downs
10 Step bear crawl forward and back
10 step ape crawl forward and back
10 step crab forward and  back
10 Push-ups

Workout: “Calorie Burner
3 Rounds (27 mins)
2 mins of biking for calories
2 mins of max rep sit-ups
2 mins of kettlebell swings
2 mins of jump rope
1 mins of rest

Low Back and Hamstrings

Row 500 Meters, then 2 sets of:
25 Banded overhead press
10 Inchworms

Body Work:
1) Single Arm Kneeling DB strict press: 5 sets of 6 reps each arm (heavy), rest 1:30 between

2) 4 Sets
12 DB hammer curls (heavy)
10 Inverted rows
Rest as needed between sets

3) 3 Sets
12 Skull crushers
Max rep close grip bench with same weight

Workout: For Time
21 Strict press at moderate weight
21 Strict pull-ups
15 Strict press
15 Strict pull-ups
9 Bench press (heavy)
9 Strict pull-ups

Chest, Shoulders and Spine


3 Rounds
30 Second run
12/12 Alternating Spiderman stretch 
10/10 Spiderman push-ups

Body Work:
10 Rounds
10/10 DB reverse lunges
10 Box jumps
1 min rest

Rest as needed before workout

Workout:  For Time
3 Rounds
25/25 True mountain climbers
12 Front squats (light)
30 Sec L hang from pull up bar or rope

Shoulders and Hamstrings

:30 Jump rope
10 Hand release push-ups
10/10 Toe touches
10 PVC pass throughs
x 2-3 Rounds

Body Work:
3 Sets
Dumbbell bench press (heavy)
Rest 60 secs

10 Inverted Ring Rows
Rest 2 mins
Rest as needed

4 Sets
15 KB or DB bridge floor press (heavy)
Rest 30 secs

15 Single arm dumbbell rows (slow and controlled)
Rest 2 mins
Rest as needed

4 Sets
Weighted Dips ( use a weight that doesn’t allow more than 10 reps)
Rest 30 secs
Rest 2 mins

2 Rounds
100 Flutter kicks while holding a KB overhead (switch hands at 50 reps)
50 Straight leg sit ups while holding a KB overhead (switch hands at 25 reps)
50 Russian twist with KB

Low Back, Hips and Hamstrings

Today is an Active Rest day for the program!

Pick one of the following:

Option 1: Cardio Piece of Choice
10-15:00 at warm-up pace
:30 @ 100% Effort
1:00 @ Warm up pace
x 15-20 Intervals

Option 2:
60 Minute yoga, stretch, or recovery class

Option 3:
Light swim, run or row for 60 Min, every 10 Min stop and do a 1:00 Hollow hold

Today is a Rest Day for the program!

Here is your Mobility!