Program Description

5:00 of tissue work on the chest, shoulders, hips. Then
1 Round of:
10/10 Up and Over the Fence
20/20 PVC Side to Side Swing
20 PVC Good Mornings 
20 PVC Overhead Squats
20 PVC Pass Throughs

Go through the order, rest as needed
Bench Press: 5 x 5 (3 Seconds down, 1 up)
Dumbbell Rotary row: 12/12 x 4 Sets
Partner resisted straight leg raises: 15 x 4 Sets

*Coach’s notes for strength:
Bench press, have the athletes start light and build through out.  Make sure
that the bar is being controlled down to the chest through a 3 count smoothly.  As soon
as the bar touches the chest, drive up as fast as possible.

Dumbbell rotary row, athlete starts with both hands and knees on the bench face down.
Simultaneously, the athlete with extend the left leg back straight and hold while doing a dumbbell
row with the right arm.  This movement is about rotary stability.  Cue athletes to brace their core.

Partner straight leg raises, one athlete will lay on their back while reaching overhead to grab the ankles of
their partner standing above their head.  Athlete on the ground will raise their legs up straight to the chest 
of their partner. Their partner will push their legs back down to the floor.  The athlete will control their legs 
to the floor and raise back up quick.  Cue athlete to point their toes and lock out their knees. This movement should look
similar to a strict toe to bar.

WOD: AMRAP in 15:00
20 Yard sled push sprint (3 forty-five plates/2 forty-five plates) or 10/10 box step ups (24″/20″)
10 Toes to bar or rings
10 Kettlebell swings (70/53)
*At any point, do a 25 cal row

**Coach’s notes for WOD:
The sled push or box step ups are designed to be fast and efficient.  As well, the toes to bar should be fast and efficient
If an athlete can’t perform 15-20 T2B unbroken, then scale to 10 hanging knee raises to above 90 Degrees. 

The kettlebell swings need to be a weight that is heavier than the athlete is used to using in workouts.  The 25 Cal 
row can be done at any point in the 15:00 as long as it is done before the workout is over.  The 25 cals need to be done
in a row and not broken into sets.

Chest, Shoulders and Spine

3 Sets
5/5 High Kicks
10 PVC Good Mornings
10 PVC Overhead Squats
10/10 PVC Hip Swings

65% x 5
75% x 4
85% x 1.1
95% x 1
then 1,1,1

Negative ring dips: 3 Seconds down, 1 up x failure x 3 sets

Hips to rings: to fatigue x 3 sets

*Coach’s notes for strength:
Deadlift: first two sets are touch and go.  As the weight goes up, bar is to be dropped from top each rep.  After 95%, 
allow athletes to go for a 1 Rep max through 2-3 attempts. Rest as needed

The negative ring dips are to be done with control through a 3 count down, then press up through a 1 count. If the athlete
can not perform 5 consecutive reps with this tempo, then scale to performing just the negative portion. 

Hips to rings: The goal here is to build the strength/transition of the muscle up.  Use the demo video for points of performance.
If athletes can not get horizontal with hips to rings, then scale to kipping ring pull-ups.

WOD: For Time
Row 500 Meters
5 Deadlift (80% of todays 1RM)
30 Push-ups
x 3 Rounds

*Coach’s notes for WOD:
Depending on the athletes push-up strength, this WOD should be relatively unbroken throughout the 3 rounds.
Its ok if the athletes need to do singles on the DL as it should be heavy.

Low Back and Legs…Just hit play and follow along.

5:00 of tissue work for the hips, low back, shoulders.
2 Sets
5/5 Spiderman push-ups
Up/Downward Dog
10/10 PVC side to side Swings
5/5 PVC Figure 8’s

Push Jerk or Split jerk
65% x 5
75% x 3
85% x 2
95% x 1
then 1,1,1

*Coach’s notes for strength:
Athletes choice of which jerk to perform.  Encourage them to work their weaker movement.
Take from rack, build up to a 1RM, resting as needed

WOD: With a continuous clock, max reps in 1:00 of each movement:
Cal bike or ski
Push press (75/55)
Sumo deadlift high pull (75/55)
Lateral bar hops
Rest 1:00
x 4 Rounds

**Coach’s notes for WOD:
One bar, light weight. Help athletes to scale weight to something they can push press unbroken for at least 30 Seconds
Same weight will be used for the SDLHP.  After 1:00 of rest, start back from the top of the order.  The clock does not stop
between movements.  It’s up to the athlete to transition to each movement to be able to get as much time as possible per movement. 
Record total reaps each round.

Shoulders and Spine…Just hit play and follow along.

Warm up:

5:00 of tissue work for hamstrings, quads, hips.
Run or Row 200 Meters
15 Pogo Jumps
:20/:20 Couch stretch
:20 Over/under arm swings

Back squat:
65% x 5
75% x 3
85% x 2
95% x 1

*Coach’s notes for strength:
Have athletes build up efficiently with full range of motion.  Rest as needed, ensure athletes 
are finding full range of motion as the load gets heavy.

WOD: For Time
Box jumps (24″/20″)
Kettlebell swings (53/35)
Goblet step up (53/35, steps each leg)
30 Pull-ups after each round

**Coach’s notes for WOD: 
Have athletes scale each movement to where every round can be done unbroken and efficient.

Quads, Hips and Hamstrings…Just play and follow along.


2 Sets
Run 800 Meters
15/15 Spiderman push-ups
10/10 Hip openers

Power clean
65% x 5
75% x 3
85% x 2
95% x 1

*Coach’s notes for strength:
Have athletes build up efficiently and with ample rest.  Use video demonstration to emphasize
bar path and triple extension.

WOD: Partner, for time
7 Power cleans (These are done individually, 75% of todays 1RM, each person has their own bar)
10 Burpees (athletes do together)
Run 400 (together)
x 5

Shoulders and Spine…Just Play and follow along.

1:00 Jump rope
10/10 High kicks
5/5 Overhead med ball walking lunges
5/5 PVC figure 8’s
x 2 Sets

DB man makers: 5 x 3 Reps, build
Ring or bar L-Sits: 5 Sets to fatigue

*Coach’s notes for strength:
Man makers: start very light to get the mechanics down and so the athletes can be fluid during the working sets.
Make sure athletes fully extend when they hit the squat clean.
L-sits: On the rings, start with athletes seeing if they can just hold the top of dip.  Then to a bent knee hold, and after that, if able to a L-sit.

WOD: 12:00 AMRAP
20 Double-unders (increase 20 Reps/round, 2:1 single under)
5 Man makers (50s/35s)

*Coach’s notes for WOD:
Have the athletes scale the DB weight to something the can do 5 unbroken man maker reps with
every round without having to take a break.

Chest, Shoulders and Spine…Just play and follow along.

Today is a Recovery Day for the Program! Just push play and follow along.