1:00 Jump rope
10/10 High kicks
5/5 Overhead med ball walking lunges
5/5 PVC figure 8’s
x 2 Sets

DB man makers: 5 x 3 Reps, build
Ring or bar L-Sits: 5 Sets to fatigue

*Coach’s notes for strength:
Man makers: start very light to get the mechanics down and so the athletes can be fluid during the working sets.
Make sure athletes fully extend when they hit the squat clean.
L-sits: On the rings, start with athletes seeing if they can just hold the top of dip.  Then to a bent knee hold, and after that, if able to a L-sit.

WOD: 12:00 AMRAP
20 Double-unders (increase 20 Reps/round, 2:1 single under)
5 Man makers (50s/35s)

*Coach’s notes for WOD:
Have the athletes scale the DB weight to something the can do 5 unbroken man maker reps with
every round without having to take a break.

Chest, Shoulders and Spine…Just play and follow along.