Warm up:

5:00 of tissue work for hamstrings, quads, hips.
Run or Row 200 Meters
15 Pogo Jumps
:20/:20 Couch stretch
:20 Over/under arm swings

Back squat:
65% x 5
75% x 3
85% x 2
95% x 1

*Coach’s notes for strength:
Have athletes build up efficiently with full range of motion.  Rest as needed, ensure athletes 
are finding full range of motion as the load gets heavy.

WOD: For Time
Box jumps (24″/20″)
Kettlebell swings (53/35)
Goblet step up (53/35, steps each leg)
30 Pull-ups after each round

**Coach’s notes for WOD: 
Have athletes scale each movement to where every round can be done unbroken and efficient.

Quads, Hips and Hamstrings…Just play and follow along.