Program Description

Jog for 2 Minutes
Rest for 1 Minute
Jog for 1 Minute
Two Sets of:
Star Lunges x 10 per leg
Toe Touches x 10 per leg
Front to Back Leg Kicks x 10 per leg

Workout:  EMOM for 24:00 (6 Sets of each section)
Min 1: 30 Seconds all out cardio + 10 Single arm KB bench press (non dominant)
Min 2: 30 Seconds all out cardio (something different than min 1) + 10 Single arm KB bench press (dominant arm)
Min 3: 30 Seconds all out cardio (same as min 1) + 10 Single arm/Single Leg KB deadlift (heavy)
Min 4: 30 Seconds all out cardio (same as min 2) + 10 Single arm/Single leg KB deadlift (other side)

Finisher: 6:00 Time Cap
3:00 Max cal row or bike
3:00 Max rep alternating Russian/American swings

Shoulders and Hamstrings

3 Sets
10 Touch downs
10 Step bear crawl forward and back
10 step ape crawl forward and back
10 step crab forward and back
10 Push-ups

Workout: Intervals, complete each exercise before moving to the next. The last :10 rest go right into the next exercise
:50 Max rep Russian KB twists 
:10 Rest
X 4
:50 Max rep pull ups, at :25 Switch to max bent alternating KB rows (heavy)
:10 Rest
X 4
:50 Max rep goblet squats (moderate weight)
:10 Rest 
X 4
:50 Max rep burpee lateral hop over KB
:10 Rest
X 4

Run 400 Meters for time
Rest 1:1
x 4 Sets

Quads, Hips and Hamstrings


:30 Jump rope
10 Hand release push-ups
10/10 Toe touches
10 PVC pass throughs
x 2-3 Rounds

Workout 1: 10-15:00 Time Cap
1:00 Of KB Bridge floor press
10 KB rescue get ups (all one direction)
1:00 KB pullovers
10 KB rescue get ups (all other direction)
X 4-5 rounds not for time

Workout 2: AMRAP in 12:00
15 KB halos clockwise
15 KB halos counter clockwise
15 Dual KB lawnmowers
15 Overhead KB tricep extensions (single or dual)

Finisher: 7:00 Time Cap
1:00 Wall sit
3:00 Max rep Sit-ups
1:00 Wall sit
2:00 Max distance cardio of choice

Low Back, Hips and Hamstrings

3 Sets
hollow rocks
:30 run in place jump ropes

Then 400 Meter run

Workout 1: EMOM for 9:00
Min 1: :30 Hollow hold + 5/5 Dual Overhead lunge (heavy)
Min 2: :30 Cardio sprint of choice + Strict pull ups to failure
Min 3: :30 Kettlebell swings + Dip to extension on KBs to failure

Workout 2: Tabata, complete each exercise before moving to the next. The last :15 rest go right into the next exercise
:50 Max rep Cal row
:10 Rest
X 3
:50 Max rep alternating single arm snatch
:10 Rest
X 3
:50 Max rep rower pikes
:10 Rest
X 3
:50 Max rep Dual KB thrusters
:10 Rest
X 3

Finisher: 7:00 Time Cap
4:00 Max distance run
3:00 Max rep Devils press or man makers

Hips and Hamstrings

3 Sets
Run 100 Meters
:20/:20 Lunge position hold
10/10 Plank alternating arm/leg lifts

Workout 1: Work the order, rest as needed, increasing weight
12/12-10/10-8/8-6/6 KB renegade row with support
12/12/-10/10-8/8-6/6 Single Arm Kettlebell Cradle/Single Arm Suitcase Box Step Ups
12-10-8-6 Dual KB push press

Workout 2: As Many Rounds as Possible in 16:00
Bike or row 8 Cals (increase 2 each round)
8 Wall balls (increase 2 each round)
8 KB Burpee deadlifts (increase 2 each round)

Quads, Hips and Hamstrings

Today is an Active Rest Day

Pick One of the Following Options:

Option 1:

45-60 Minute light jog or Row

Then Recovery Day Mobility

Option 2:

Take a Yoga or Stretch class

Option 3:

Get outdoors for 45 Min to an hour and do something enjoyable

Then Recovery Day Mobility

Today is a Rest Day

Here is you Mobility for the Day!