3 Sets
10 Touch downs
10 Step bear crawl forward and back
10 step ape crawl forward and back
10 step crab forward and back
10 Push-ups

Workout: Intervals, complete each exercise before moving to the next. The last :10 rest go right into the next exercise
:50 Max rep Russian KB twists 
:10 Rest
X 4
:50 Max rep pull ups, at :25 Switch to max bent alternating KB rows (heavy)
:10 Rest
X 4
:50 Max rep goblet squats (moderate weight)
:10 Rest 
X 4
:50 Max rep burpee lateral hop over KB
:10 Rest
X 4

Run 400 Meters for time
Rest 1:1
x 4 Sets

Quads, Hips and Hamstrings