Program Description

Major: Back, hamstrings, core
Minor: Quads

Set 1 Warm-up & Priming of Hinge Movement:
Kettlebell Swings to jump rope
20 Swings/40 Jumps (Double-under if you can)
15 Swings/30 jumps
10 Swings/20 jumps
5 Swings/10 jumps

Set 2  
Deadlifts – Build to a heavy 5 Reps (5×5), Deadlift OR Deadlift variation
Curl & press x 10 Reps between each set

Set 3 – 5 Rounds as fast as possible
5 Chest 2 Bar or jumping pull-ups
10 Push-ups
20 Lunge steps (step back) *Jump lunges optional

Set 4
20 Seconds Deadmills (prowler push on treadmill or plate push for 30 yards)
10 each leg Box runners (alternating step ups)
3 rounds

Set 5
10 Burpee to chin-ups (bicep focus)
30 Bicycle crunch
3 Rounds

Quads, Hips and Hamstrings

Major: Chest 
Minor: Shoulder, Core, Triceps

Suggested Warmup:
Rower 200m @ 70%
10 Push-ups
10 Jumping Jacks
x 3 rounds

Set 1: 21-15-9 Reps Of:
DB Power Cleans (45s/30s)
Push-Ups on dumbells (thumbs up grip)
Rest 2min

Set 2: Strength, Reps of 5-10-15
Incline Bench Dropset
Single Arm upright row (with plate or DB)
*3 Sets – Go up in weight each round and set (5 heaviest, 10 heavy, 15 light)
Rest 1  min

Set 3: 
12 Single Arm DB Press each (on stability ball)
12 Push-ups on stability ball (begin on chest and use the rebound for momentum)
3 Rounds

Core Finisher:
10 Toes to bar or hanging leg raise
20 Plank reaches (10 e arm)
30 Crunches with block or med ball between knees)
3 Rounds

Chest, Shoulders and Spine

Today is an Active Rest Day for the Program!

Today aim for 10,000 Steps or some active recovery that you enjoy.

Each week there will be 2 Rest days as a break away from weights or challenging activity are important.  

I know momentum feels good but you can keep this up with a day that keeps your max heart rate under 70% (walk, hike, yoga, swim)

Notice each workout has an emphasis of major muscle group as well as a minor focus.  You will work out the same muscle groups multiple times per week. The idea is to create the stimulus for growth and adaptation without over exhausting the body.

Perform each workout to the best of your ability and effort. Most moves or equipment can be substituted. 

There will be days that you do not feel like the workout and you can sub one of the primer or supplemental exercises to promote circulation and keep your momentum flowing. This includes your mobility routine. 

Hips and Hamstrings

Major: Legs
Minor: Back

Warm-up: Metabolic mobility for hips and legs
+ Aerobic primer (All options to choose from: Jump rope, rower,  bike, or light run for 5-10 mins)
10 Rounds of
10 Air squats 
10 Seated cable rows or cable pull downs (medium weight)

3 mins rest

Set 1: For Time
Double unders
DB Single arm Snatches (60/35)
(60 Double unders and then 6 DB Snatches each arm, 50, 5, etc..)

2 mins rest

Set 2:
1000 Meter row at 70% Controlled breathing

Shoulders and Spine