Wodstar Affiliate 102223
Today is a Recovery Day for the Program!
Today is a Recovery Day for the Program!
Warm-up 10/10 Up and Over the Fence 20/20 PVC Side to Side Swing 20 PVC Good Mornings 20 PVC Overhead Squats 20 PVC Pass Throughs Strength: EMOM for 5:00: 2 Jerks at 85% Work: Every 2:00 x 5 5/5 Dball over the shoulder (100/70) 10 DB push press (70s/50s) *Notes: If no Dballs, do 10 [...]
Warm-up: Run 200 Meters 10/10 Front to back kicks 10/10 Side swings 10 Pike ups x 2 Strength: Back squats: (2 sec pause at bottom) 5 x 2 Reps GHD sit-ups: 4 Sets of 15-20 Reps WOD: For Time and Total Box Step ups 1,000 Meter row 50 Ring push-ups 750 Meter row 50 Wall ball sit ups [...]
Warm-Up: 5:00 of related tissue work, then 2 rounds 20 Meter bear crawl 20 Meter crab walk 10/10 Mountain climbers 10 Hang power clean (light) 10 Push-ups Strength: Jerks from the blocks (from the rack if no blocks) 4 sets of 1.1.1 Push jerk 4 sets of 1.1 split jerks WOD: 3:00 AMRAP 3 Thrusters (115/75) 4/4 Renegade rows (45s/30s) [...]
Warm-up: 3 Sets 10 Air squats 10 Walking lunges (light) 10 PVC pass throughs 10 Touch downs 250 Meter row Strength: Turkish Get ups: 5/5-4/4-3/3-2/2-1/1 (building) WOD: For Time 7 Rounds of 4 Hang snatch (95/65) 17 Push-ups, Alternate rounds with 17 Box jumps (24"/20") (so 4 rounds of push-ups, 3 rounds of box jumps) After 7 rounds go right into 75 Wall [...]
Warm-up: 3 Sets 10 Air squats 10 Walking lunges (light) 10 PVC pass throughs 10 Touch downs 250 Meter row Strength: Turkish Get ups: 5/5-4/4-3/3-2/2-1/1 (building) WOD: For Time 7 Rounds of 4 Hang snatch (95/65) 17 Push-ups, Alternate rounds with 17 Box jumps (24"/20") (so 4 rounds of push-ups, 3 rounds of box jumps) After 7 rounds go right into 75 Wall [...]
Warm-up: 2 Sets 200 Meter run 10 Spiderman push-ups 10 Over under arm swings 10 Touch downs 5/5 High kicks Strength: Barbell complex (from the rack) without setting bar down 3 Snatch grip push press (Behind the neck) 2 Hang snatch pulls 1 Power snatch x 4 Sets WOD: With a Continuous clock :30 max reps of each Hang [...]
Warm-up 3 Sets 50 Meter Butt kicks 3 Wall Walks 50 meter High knees 1:00 Jog Strength: 10-12:00 Time Cap, Rest where needed 12/12 Dual KB bulgarian split squats Max rep wide grip pull ups Max rep dips on rings, bar, or KBs x 4-5 Sets within the time cap, rest to maximize each set Workout: 12:00 AMRAP [...]
Warm-up 2 Sets 5/5 Spiderman push-ups 5 Up/Downward Dog 10/10 PVC side to side Swings 5/5 PVC Figure 8's Workout 1: EMOM for 12:00 Min 1: :30 All out cardio + 10 Single arm KB bench press (heavy, non dominant) Min 2: :30 All out cardio (something different than min 1) + 10 Single arm KB bench press (heavy, [...]
Warm-up: 5 :00 of related tissue work, then 1 Set of 50 Meter Butt kicks 3 Wall Walks 50 Meter High knees 1:00 Jog Strength: KB roller press: 4 Sets of 30 Reps Dual KB RDLs x 10/10 x 4 Sets WOD: For Time 21-15-9 Tire flip 5-4-3 Legless rope climb 15' Rest 2 min WOD: For Time 28 [...]
Today is an Rest Day Work on your MOBILITY HERE
Warm-up: 7:00 - Easy run add in skills and drills of choice, high skip and cross overs Then 3 Sets 8 Touchdowns 8 pull-ups 8 hollow rocks :30 run in place jump ropes Run: :30 ON / :30 OFF / :30 ON / :25 OFF / :30 ON / :20 OFF / :30 ON / :15 OFF / [...]