This is the Wodstar Elite Competitor Program

WodStar Elite Competitor 063023

By |2023-06-27T15:20:27+00:00June 28th, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up: 5/5 PVC figure 8's 15 Kip swings 20 Second ring pec stretch 5/5 Alternating lateral lunge x 3 Sets WOD: For Time, With Partner 200 Dball cleans over 42" box, after every 20 do 5 strict parallette handstand push-ups with just abmat So each person does 100 dball cleans and everyone does the 5 strict paralette handstand push-ups [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 062923

By |2023-06-27T15:19:17+00:00June 27th, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-Up: 3 Sets 10 Air squats with a 3 sec hold at bottom 10 Touch downs 10 Arm over/unders 50m Butt kicker  50m High knees  :60 Jump rope Endurance/skill: Work on triple-unders for 20 min WOD: For Time 10 Cal bike 10 Wall ball (30/20#) x 10 Notes, goal is to go unbroken through the [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 062823

By |2023-06-22T18:47:27+00:00June 26th, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up: 5:00 of related tissue work, then 2 Sets 10 PVC Pass Throughs 10 PVC Overhead Squats 10 PVC Good Mornings 10/10 Star Lunge 10 Snatch Balance at 40-50% of 1 RM Snatch WOD: Snatch Ladder From Regional Event 11:00 cap 185/135# for 10, you have till 2 min 205/145# for 8, you have until 4 min 225/155# for 6, you [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 062723

By |2023-06-22T18:46:54+00:00June 25th, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up: 3 Sets 12/12 PVC Side Swings 12/12 Hip Circles :30 Max Rep Jumping Jacks 12/12 Toe Touches Strength: Back squat: Complete 4 sets of 10 reps, work up in sets. Last set should be a max set 10 Back extensions (65/50) barbell, hold last rep for max time or :30 x 3 sets WOD: 16:00 Time Cap 1k [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 062623

By |2023-06-22T18:45:47+00:00June 24th, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up 5:00 of related tissue work, then 10/10 Up and Over the Fence 20/20 PVC Side to Side Swing 20 PVC Good Mornings  20 PVC Overhead Squats 20 PVC Pass Throughs Mock Competition Day  WOD 1:  6:00 time cap 104 Wall ball (20/14#) 52 Pull-ups Until 7:00 (1:00 between events) WOD 2:  10:00 cap 28 Pistols [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 062523

By |2023-06-22T18:44:56+00:00June 23rd, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Today is a Rest Day!  Tomorrow Starts the new Monday-Friday training schedule!  Here is Your Mobility

WodStar Elite Competitor 062423

By |2023-06-19T23:38:38+00:00June 22nd, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up: 200 Row or run 10/10 Ankle roll outs 10 PVC overhead squats 10/10 High kicks x 3 WOD: For time Run 700 meters 20 Overhead squats (155/110#) Run 700 meters 15 Overhead squats (185/135#) Run 700 meters 10 Overhead squats (205/145#) Run 700 meters 8 Overhead squats (225/155#) Run 700 meters 6 Overhead squats (245/170#) Run 700 4 [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 062323

By |2023-06-19T23:37:10+00:00June 21st, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up: 10/10 Plank lunge 10/10 Alternating pigeon 10/10 Alternating v-ups 10 Touchdowns x 2 Sets WOD: Start new set every 5 min 15 Calorie row 12 Deadlifts (185/135#) 9 Hang power clean (185/135#) 6 Jerks (185/135#) x 5 Strength: Every 1:30 Full clean + front squat 3 sets x 1+2 4 sets x 2+1 3 sets x 3+0 Back squat: [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 062223

By |2023-06-19T23:35:34+00:00June 19th, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up: 5/5 PVC figure 8's 15 Kip swings 20 Second ring pec stretch 5/5 Alternating lateral lunge x 3 Sets WOD: For Time, With Partner 200 Dball cleans over 42" box, after every 20 do 5 strict parallette handstand push-ups with just abmat So each person does 100 dball cleans and everyone does the 5 strict paralette handstand push-ups [...]

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