This is the Wodstar Elite Competitor Program

WodStar Elite Competitor 050523

By |2023-05-01T23:55:56+00:00May 3rd, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-Up: 5:00 of tissue work for shoulders and hips, then 2 Sets 10 x PVC pipe pass throughs 10/10 Single Arm KB Deadlifts 10 KB Front squats 10 Touchdowns 10 Strict pull-up WOD: For time 1K row 50 Strict handstand push-ups, 6" deficit flat hand  Rest 20 min WOD: For time Push Dog sled (240/170#) total weight for 180' 10 DB snatch (100/70#) [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 050423

By |2023-05-01T23:54:26+00:00May 2nd, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up 2 Sets 10 Inchworms 7/7 Floor wipers 10/10 Hip Circles Endurance: Swim/run for time Swim .4 miles  Run 4 miles  Strength: Jerk: Complete 6 sets of 3 reps @ 80-85% of 1RM WOD: For time 25 GHD sit-ups 10 Stones 145/72# 25 GHD sit-ups 10 Stones 175/116# 25 GHD sit-ups 10 Stones 175/116# 25 GHD sit-ups 10 Stones 175/116# [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 050223

By |2023-04-27T22:40:09+00:00April 30th, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up: 2-3 Sets 5/5 Star Lunge 10 Over Under Arm Swings 10/10 High Kicks 1:00 Double unders or single under Endurance: Hill run Hill run with vest  Mine was 1 mile up and 1000' elevation gain  Strength: Back squat, 6 reps of each 225/155# 245/175# 265//185# 285//200# 305/215# 325/230# 345/240# 365/255# Rest 10 min Do it again WOD: 20:00 [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 050123

By |2023-04-27T22:39:30+00:00April 28th, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up: 400 Meter run or row 10/10 Side lunges 20 PVC overhead squats x 2 WOD: For time One bar, strip weight 50 Deadlifts (315/225#) 50 Power cleans (225/155#) 50 Shoulder to overhead (135/95#) WOD: 180' Sled push (320/225#) Overhead yoke carry 180' 90' Handstand walk Rest 1:1 X 4 *Notes: If not yoke, us a heavy barbell. [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 043023

By |2023-04-27T22:39:02+00:00April 28th, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Today is a Rest Day!  Here is Your Mobility

WodStar Elite Competitor 042923

By |2023-04-26T01:05:41+00:00April 27th, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Today is a Rest Day!  Here is Your Mobility

WodStar Elite Competitor 042823

By |2023-04-26T01:01:46+00:00April 26th, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up: Start with 5:00 of tissue work for hips and shoulders, then 400 Meter run or row 10/10 Side lunges 20 PVC overhead squats x 2 Strength: Every 1:30 Clean plus front squat (265/185#) 1 + 5 2 + 4 3 + 3 4 + 2 5 + 1 6 + 0 WOD 1: “Glen” for time 30 [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 042723

By |2023-04-26T01:00:19+00:00April 26th, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up 2-3 Sets Run 100 Meters 10 Double leg bounding 10 Yard "A" Skip 10/10 Yard Carioca 10 Yard High kneesforward, 10yrd backward WOD: For time 1 Mile run 45# ruck 30 Squat clean thrusters (185/135) 1 Mile ruck 45# Strength: 20 Stones over yoke 215# *Notes: If no stones, try a heavy Dball or sandbag over the shoulder. WOD: [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 042623

By |2023-04-20T19:43:37+00:00April 24th, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up: 2-3 Sets 5/5 Star Lunge 10 Over Under Arm Swings 10/10 High Kicks 1:00 Double undersor single under Endurance: 800 Meter bike for time Rest 1:1 x 5 Strength: Back rack box step ups: 5/5 x 4 Sets WOD: 20:00 AMRAP 25 Cal ski 25 Broad jumps 25 DB push press (100s/70s) 25 Cal row Recovery: Shoulders and [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 042523

By |2023-04-20T19:42:47+00:00April 23rd, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up: 2-3 Sets 5/5 Star Lunge 10 Over Under Arm Swings 10/10 High Kicks 1:00 Double unders or single under Endurance: Hill run Hill run with vest  Mine was 1 mile up and 1000' elevation gain  Strength: Back squat, 6 reps of each 225/155# 245/175# 265//185# 285//200# 305/215# 325/230# 345/240# 365/255# Rest 10 min Do it again WOD: 20:00 [...]

WodStar Elite Competitor 042423

By |2023-04-20T19:41:10+00:00April 22nd, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Warm-up: 400 Meter run or row 10/10 Side lunges 20 PVC overhead squats x 2 WOD: For time One bar, strip weight 50 Deadlifts (315/225#) 50 Power cleans (225/155#) 50 Shoulder to overhead (135/95#) WOD: 180' Sled push (320/225#) Overhead yoke carry 180' 90' Handstand walk Rest 1:1 X 4 *Notes: If not yoke, us a heavy barbell. [...]

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