Kettlebell Training 103123
Today is an Active Rest day for the program! EMOM for 45 Min around the world: Min 1-Rowing Min 2- 1 Min plank Min 3- Air Dyne Min 4- Body Weight Lunges Min 5- Single-Unders Recovery: Rest Day Recovery
Today is an Active Rest day for the program! EMOM for 45 Min around the world: Min 1-Rowing Min 2- 1 Min plank Min 3- Air Dyne Min 4- Body Weight Lunges Min 5- Single-Unders Recovery: Rest Day Recovery
Today is a Rest Day Here is you Mobility for the Day!
Today is an Active Rest day for the program! EMOM for 45 Min around the world: Min 1-Rowing Min 2- 1 Min plank Min 3- Air Dyne Min 4- Body Weight Lunges Min 5- Single-Unders Recovery: Rest Day Recovery
Warm-up: 5:00 of tissue work for hips and shoulders 1-2 Sets 5/5 Star Lunge 10 Over Under Arm Swings 10/10 High Kicks 1:00 Double unders or single under Workout 1: 10:00 Time Cap, work the order, rest as needed 10 Dual arm KB thrusters (heavy) 10/10 Chinese Rows (heavy) 10/10 Dual arm single leg RDL 1:00 Hollow hold [...]
Warm-up: 400 Meter run or row 10/10 Side lunges 20 PVC overhead squats x 2 Workout 1: EMOM for 9:00 Min 1: 5/5 Front rack reverse lunges Min 2: 15 KB pullovers Min 3: 10/10 Side plank hip taps *Coach's notes: Go heavy on the lunges. Go light to moderate on the pull overs and make sure form is [...]
Warm-Up: 2 Sets 10 Over under with arms 10 Touch downs 3 Wall walks 200m run Strength: EMOM for 14:00 Min 1: 10/10 Alternating bent row Min 2: Max Rep push-ups on KBs in under the minute Workout: Continuous clock for max reps 1:00 up/downs 1:00 Inverted rows or pull ups 1:00 KB deadlift high pulls 1:00 Box [...]
Warm-up: 2 Sets Run or Row 400 Meters 15 PVC Good mornings 20 PVC Pass Throughs 10/10 Up and Over the Fence Workout 1: EMOM for 10:00 Min 1: 5/5 Single arm pistols or 5/5 Russian step ups (heavy) Min 2: 8/8 Single ring row with KB rotation *Coach's Notes: Ensure that the athlete can do a pistol before [...]
Today is a Rest Day Here is you Mobility for the Day!
Today is an Active Rest day for the program! Today aim for 10,000 Steps or some active recovery that you enjoy. A day that keeps your max heart rate under 70% (walk, hike, yoga, swim, etc.) Recovery: Rest Day Recovery
Warm-up 1:00 Jump rope 10/10 High kicks 5/5 Overhead med ball walking lunges 5/5 PVC figure 8's x 2 Sets Workout 1: 12:00 Time Cap, work the order, rest as needed, increasing weight 12/12-10/10-8/8-6/6 KB renegade row with support 12/12/-10/10-8/8-6/6 Single Arm Kettlebell Cradle/Single Arm Suitcase Box Step Ups 12-10-8-6 Dual KB push press Rest 1-3:00 Between workouts [...]
Warm-up: 2 Sets Run 800 Meters 15/15 Spiderman push-ups 10/10 Hip openers Workout 1: EMOM for 12:00 Min 1: :30 Hollow rock + 5/5 Dual Overhead lunge (heavy) Min 2: :30 Cardio sprint of choice + Decline push-ups ok KBs to failure Min 3: :30 Kettlebell swings + Dip to extension on KBs to failure *Coach's notes [...]
Today is a Rest Day Here is you Mobility for the Day!