Wodstar Affiliate 091422

By |2022-09-11T13:59:01+00:00September 11th, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: 2 Sets Run 100 Meters :20/:20 Lunge position hold 10/10 Plank alternating arm/leg lifts Strength: Power clean: Work up to a 1RM over 5 sets, rest where needed WOD: With a Continuous Clock, Each Section For Time, Rest remainder  0:00-15:00  25 Cal row 7 Wall walks x 4 Sets, rest remainder 15:00-30:00 100 Meter farmers carry [...]

Wodstar Affiliate 091322

By |2022-09-11T13:58:09+00:00September 11th, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: Related tissue work, then:  3 sets :20 Max jumping jacks :20 Seated arm pumps 20/20 Single leg hip thrusts Strength: Tabata hallow hold x 8 Sets Dumbbell bench press: 12-10-10-8 (3 Seconds down, 1 Second up) Conditioning: 200 Meter run for time Rest 1:1 x 3-4 Sets WOD: With a Continuous Clock, Max Reps in 3o [...]

Wodstar Affiliate 091222

By |2022-09-11T13:57:29+00:00September 11th, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: 10 Touch downs 10 Step bear crawl forwardand back 10 step ape crawl forward and back 10 step crab forwardand back 10 Push-ups Strength: Hang muscle snatch: 3 x 3 Sets  Hang power snatch: 3 x 3 Sets Skill: 5:00 Peg board work, coachs's choice *If the facility doesn't have a peg board, work on rope climbing WOD: [...]

Wodstar Affiliate 091122

By |2022-09-04T17:33:05+00:00September 4th, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Today is a Recovery Day for the Program!

Wodstar Affiliate 091022

By |2022-09-04T17:31:41+00:00September 4th, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: 2-5 Min of related tissue work, then: Jog for 2 Minutes Rest for 1 Minute Jog for 1 Minute, then 2 sets of: Star Lunges x 10 per leg Toe Touches x 10 per leg Front to Back Leg Kicks x 10 per leg Strength: Deadlift Build to a 1RM over 5 Sets, rest [...]

Wodstar Affiliate 090922

By |2022-09-04T17:31:08+00:00September 4th, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: 7:00 of tissue work for full body then 400 meter run WOD: For Time, 25:00 Time Cap 50 Wall ball (20/14) 50 Ft. Single arm overhead KB lunge (50/35, right arm) 50 Kettlebell swings (50/35) 50 Ft. Single arm overhead KB lunge (50/35, left arm) 50 GHD sit ups 50 Ft. Single arm overhead [...]

Wodstar Affiliate 090822

By |2022-09-04T17:30:24+00:00September 4th, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm up: 6:00 of any tissue work needed Workout:  For Time 50 Box jump (30"/24") 50 Front squats (95/65) 50 Push Press (95/65) 50 Deadlift high pulls (95/65) 50 Hang cleans (95/65) 50 Ring dips 50 Pull-ups 50 Toes to bar 50 Push ups 50 Up/downs 50 Cal row Recovery: Shoulders and Hamstrings

Wodstar Affiliate 090722

By |2022-09-04T17:30:11+00:00September 4th, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up 2 Sets 5/5 Spiderman push-ups 5 Up/Downward Dog 10/10 PVC side to side Swings 5/5 PVC Figure 8's Strength: Build do a 5RM deadlift WOD: EMOM for 20:00 Min 1: 7 Power cleans (moderate) Min 2: Max rep pull ups in :30 Min 3: Max rep dips in :30 Min 4: Max cal bike, row, or ski in [...]

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