Wodstar Affiliate 080922

By |2022-08-07T12:09:42+00:00August 7th, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: 1 Round 300 Meter run 12/12 Alternating Spiderman stretch 10/10 Spiderman push-ups Strength: Front Squat: 60% x 5 70% x 5 75% x 3-5 Pull-ups (3 Seconds down, 1 Second up) x 3 Reps x 5 Sets WOD: Each Section For Time, Rest 1:00 After Each Section Before going to the next Section 1 5 Jerks (65%) [...]

Wodstar Affiliate 080822

By |2022-08-07T12:09:28+00:00August 7th, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: 2 Sets Run 100 Meters :20/:20 Lunge position hold 10/10 Plank alternating arm/leg lifts Strength: Power clean: 60% x 5 65% x 5 70 x 5 75% x 3 80% x 3 WOD: With a Continuous Clock, Each Section For Time, Rest remainder  0:00-15:00  25 Cal row 7 Wall walks x 4 Sets, rest remainder 15:00-30:00 [...]

Wodstar Affiliate 080722

By |2022-07-31T20:49:55+00:00July 31st, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Today is a Recovery Day for the Program!

Wodstar Affiliate 080622

By |2022-07-31T20:47:59+00:00July 31st, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: Related tissue work, then:  3 sets :20 Max jumping jacks :20 Seated arm pumps 20/20 Single leg hip thrusts Strength: Tabata hallow hold x 8 Sets Dumbbell bench press: 12-10-10-8 (3 Seconds down, 1 Second up) Conditioning: 200 Meter run for time Rest 1:1 x 3-4 Sets WOD: With a Continuous Clock, Max Reps in 3o [...]

Wodstar Affiliate 080522

By |2022-07-31T20:47:21+00:00July 31st, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: 2-5 Min of related tissue work, then: Jog for 2 Minutes Rest for 1 Minute Jog for 1 Minute, then 2 sets of: Star Lunges x 10 per leg Toe Touches x 10 per leg Front to Back Leg Kicks x 10 per leg Strength: Deadlift 60% x 5 70% x 5 80% x [...]

Wodstar Affiliate 080422

By |2022-07-31T20:45:29+00:00July 31st, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: Tissue work for Shoulders and Hips, then 1 round of: 15 Snatch balance with PVC or unloaded bar 25 Touch downs Strength: Pause Back squats: (3 Second pause at bottom) 60% of 1RM x fatigue 70% x fatigue 80% x fatigue 90% x 1-2 Reps WOD 1: For Time 21-15-9 Chest to bar Pull-ups Kettlebell swings (53/35) [...]

Wodstar Affiliate 080322

By |2022-07-31T20:45:08+00:00July 31st, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: 2-3 Sets 5/5 Star Lunge 10 Over Under Arm Swings 10/10 High Kicks 1:00 Double unders or single under 7/7 Floor wipers 10/10 Hip Circles Strength: 1)EMOM for 6:00 (65% of 1 RM power clean) do: 1 Muscle clean + 2 Hang power cleans + 2 Hang squat cleans 2) 6:00 to establish max height box jump  WOD: With a Continuous Clock 6:00 [...]

Wodstar Affiliate 080222

By |2022-07-31T20:36:05+00:00July 31st, 2022|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: Row 500 Meters 25 Banded overhead press 10 Inchworms  Strength: EMOM for 12:00 Min 1: 1-2 Rope Climbs Min 2: Ring Push-ups (3 Seconds down, 1 Second up) x 6-10 Reps Min 3: 2/2 Turkish Get ups WOD: 15:00 AMRAP  1 Rope Climb (increase 1 per round) 5 Push-ups (increase 5 per round) 5 Goblet squats [...]

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