MLF Group HomeMLF WorkoutsVideo Movement Index

5:00 of hip and shoulder tissue work, then 2 sets of
15 Kip swings with hips only
15 Meter butt kicks
15 Meter high knees

Workout 1: 10:00 Time Cap, move through the order, go heavy, rest as needed
7 Dual KB bent rows, 2 Sec pause at top
7/7 KB roller or bench press
7/7 KB side plank hip taps

Workout 2: AMRAP in 15:00
12/12 Front Rack lunges (in place)
12 Cal bike
12 Dual arm KB deadlift high pulls
12 Dual arm KB shoulder to overhead
** Every minute on the minute stop and do 5 burpees

Finisher: 5:00 Time Cap
2:30 To accumulate as many pull ups as possible
Right at 2:30, go right into max rep dual KB thrusters

Shoulders and Spine