OVERNIGHT OATS (look up online for inspiration)

Compared to sugary cereals, overnight oats are a gold mine of nutritional value. Not only do they keep us feeling fuller, longer because of the fiber and protein— they can give us an energy boost to squeeze in morning exercise or get through a marathon meeting at the office.

½ Cup Gluten free oats (old fashioned)
½ Cup Coconut or almond milk
½ Scoop Protein powder
1 Squirt vanilla or chocolate stevia

Directions: Stir together and set in sealed or covered container overnight or 1 hour+

Mix together in the am and add small amount of liquid if needed.

Notes: Make sure to stir well. There should be extra liquid, as the oats will have time to absorb.

Optional Additions: Berries, PB2 powdered peanut butter or other nut-butter of choice

Flavor options: (Same directions) substitute chocolate flavor protein and cacao for vanilla o+ add teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice