Crouching Red Tiger WOD 012217

By |2017-01-22T03:10:30+00:00January 22nd, 2017|Red Tiger|

Today is a rest day! WODstar’s Recovery Yoga is made for days like this.

Crouching Red Tiger WOD 012117

By |2017-01-21T03:12:13+00:00January 21st, 2017|Red Tiger|

Warm Up/Skill A1. Weight'd/Strict False Grip Ring Pull Ups; 2-3; rest 2 min A2. Weight'd/Strict Ring Dips; 3-4x3; rest 2 min +   Supplemental Work  3 sets 10+ Upright Row 10+ Bent Row 10+ Hammer Curl 10+ Push Up 10+ Strict press rest 2 min *Use 10-25lb DB, 10 reps is the minimum rep count [...]

Crouching Red Tiger WOD 012017

By |2017-01-19T19:24:06+00:00January 19th, 2017|Red Tiger|

Warm Up/Skill: A. Shrimp squat from bottom up; 2 reps/ leg x 3; rest 2 min B. Weight'd pistol hold; 20 sec/side x 3; rest 90 sec *Use 10-15lb plate held out in front of you for load and balance at the bottom of the pistol **Scale to box if needed + Supplemental Work: 3 [...]

Crouching Red Tiger WOD 011917

By |2017-01-19T00:50:32+00:00January 19th, 2017|Red Tiger|

Today is a rest day! WODstar’s Recovery Yoga is made for days like this.

Crouching Red Tiger WOD 011817

By |2017-01-17T20:03:22+00:00January 17th, 2017|Red Tiger|

Warm Up/Skill 2 sets 5 controlled kip swing 5 active kip swing 3 power kip swings + 1 Bar MU from box every 30 sec x 10 sets +   Supplemental/Strength Work 3 sets Single arm seated lat pull down; 12 reps/arm rest as needed  Thumbs out band pull aparts; 20 reps rest as needed 

Crouching Red Tiger WOD 011717

By |2017-01-16T18:34:17+00:00January 16th, 2017|Red Tiger|

Warm Up/Skill Tabata AD/Row 20 seconds of work *10 seconds of rest repeat for 8 sets rest 4 min complete an additional 8

Crouching Red Tiger WOD 011617

By |2017-01-16T04:05:37+00:00January 16th, 2017|Red Tiger|

Warm Up/Skill 1 set  10 Wall Squats  20 Air Squats 3x5 Goblet Squats (increase load each set) 3x10 DB Press; 10/15lb 15 PVC Pass through (move hands in every 5 reps) 10 OHS w/ PVC 10 OH Walking Lunge w/ PVC + 5 Burpee otm x 5 min (find a caidence here) Supplemental/Strength Work 3 [...]

Crouching Red Tiger WOD 011517

By |2017-01-14T20:27:02+00:00January 14th, 2017|Red Tiger|

Today is a rest day! WODstar’s Recovery Yoga is made for days like this.

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