Crouching Red Tiger WOD 041617

By |2017-04-16T04:48:49+00:00April 16th, 2017|Red Tiger|

Today is a rest day! WODstar’s Recovery Yoga is made for days like this.  

Crouching Red Tiger WOD 041517

By |2017-04-15T03:54:19+00:00April 15th, 2017|Red Tiger|

Warm up/prep Take 15-20 and work on a skill component from earlier in the week. These sets shouldn't be to fatigue. You should be looking for smooth, clean, solid movements. Engrain positive movement patterns! + WOD: For time 1 mile run 100 burpees 200 DU

Crouching Red Tiger WOD 041417

By |2017-04-13T21:00:38+00:00April 13th, 2017|Red Tiger|

Warm up/prep 3 sets 4 rope pull up 10 banded lat pull down 10 PVC PT + Strength/Supplemental: 100 hollow rock *5 Push ups every break  

Crouching Red Tiger WOD 041317

By |2017-04-12T04:51:19+00:00April 12th, 2017|Red Tiger|

Today is a rest day! WODstar’s Recovery Yoga is made for days like this.  

Crouching Red Tiger WOD 041217

By |2017-04-10T21:58:22+00:00April 10th, 2017|Red Tiger|

Warm up/prep 12 min emom Min 1: 5 Goblet Squats (increase across) Min 2: 3 shrimps squats/leg Min 3: Back Ext; 10 reps + Strength/Supplemental Work:  5 sets Single leg bulgarian split squat; 65reps/leg Single leg back ext; 8 reps/leg  

Crouching Red Tiger WOD 041117

By |2017-04-10T20:48:43+00:00April 10th, 2017|Red Tiger|

Warm up/prep 3 sets DB Curl to arnold press (light); 10 reps DB Row; 10 reps Front plank; 30 sec + Strength/Supplemental Work:  DB Bent row; 6x6/arm Straight arm lat pull down; 20 reps/armx4  

Crouching Red Tiger WOD 041017

By |2017-04-10T20:42:20+00:00April 10th, 2017|Red Tiger|

Warm up/prep 3 sets PVC PT; 10 reps Scap Pull up; 15, 10, 5 Hollow Rock; 10 reps + 10 Controlled kip 5 Kip swing 3 power kip swing *repeat as needed + Strength/Supplemental Work: 5 sets Single arm DB press; 8/arm DB Hammer curl; 10 reps

Crouching Red Tiger WOD 040917

By |2017-04-09T04:49:53+00:00April 9th, 2017|Red Tiger|

Today is a rest day! WODstar’s Recovery Yoga is made for days like this.

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