Crouching White Tiger WOD 011017

By |2017-01-09T17:50:44+00:00January 9th, 2017|White Tiger|

Warm Up/Skill: 50 Cal row (Focus on slow, strong, pulls. Goal is to hit 1 cal/stroke for males, 1 cal/2 strokes for females) + 10 Jumps to 45lb plate 10 jumps to two 45b plate 10 jumps to three 45lb plate x 2 (work rebound efficiency/speed between jumps)f + WOD: 5 sets 10 Power Clean, [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 010917

By |2017-01-09T03:00:15+00:00January 9th, 2017|White Tiger|

Warm Up/Skill: 10 Wall Squats  20 Air Squats 3x5 Goblet Squats (increase load each set) 3x10 DB Press; 10/15lb 15 PVC Pass through (move hands in every 5 reps) 10 OHS w/ PVC 10 OH Walking Lunge w/ PVC + 5 Burpee otm x 5 min + WOD: 1 min amrap: Burpees to pull up [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 010817

By |2017-01-08T01:41:54+00:00January 8th, 2017|White Tiger|

Today is a rest day! WODstar’s Recovery Yoga is made for days like this.

Crouching White Tiger WOD 010717

By |2017-01-06T19:36:30+00:00January 6th, 2017|White Tiger|

Skill Practice: Take 15-20 and work on a skill component from earlier in the week. These sets shouldn't be to fatigue. You should be looking for smooth, clean, solid movements. Engrain positive movement patterns! + WOD: CF Open Workout 14.4 14 min amrap 60 cal row 50 t2b 40 wall ball, 14/20# (10' target) 30 [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 010617

By |2017-01-05T18:26:57+00:00January 5th, 2017|White Tiger|

Warm Up/Skill 20 min AD @ Moderate pace Every 2 min perfrom 10 hollow rock + WOD "Flight Simulator" 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-back down... *Goal is to go unbroken, if you are proficient in DU, stick to it. + Supplemental/Strength Work 20 min Calf/Ankle Mobility

Crouching White Tiger WOD 010517

By |2017-01-04T22:24:11+00:00January 4th, 2017|White Tiger|

Today is a rest day! WODstar’s Recovery Yoga is made for days like this.

Crouching White Tiger WOD 010417

By |2017-01-03T20:37:51+00:00January 3rd, 2017|White Tiger|

Warm Up/Skill 2 sets 5 controlled kip swing 5 active kip swing 3 power kip swings + 2 Bar MU from box OTM x 5 + WOD CF Open Workout 16.3 7 min amrap 10 power snatch, 55/75# 3 Bar MU + Supplemental/Strength Work 3 sets Powell Raise; 10-12 reps rest as needed  Internal/External DB [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 010317

By |2017-01-02T16:20:14+00:00January 2nd, 2017|White Tiger|

Warm Up/Skill: PVC Pass through x 5 5 DB Press; 10/15lbs 10 OH walking lunge with DB 10 sec HS Hold (wall or free) 5 push up rest 1 min x 2 + WOD: 3 Rounds 400m run 40 air squats 20 GHD sit up rest 5 min 3 Rounds 15 American KB Swing, 16/24kg [...]

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