Crouching White Tiger WOD 122916

By |2016-12-28T18:12:54+00:00December 28th, 2016|White Tiger|

Today is a rest day! WODstar's Recovery Yoga is made for days like this.

Crouching White Tiger WOD 122816

By |2016-12-27T16:27:27+00:00December 27th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm Up/Skill 10 min emom Min 1: Negative Bar MU; 2-3 reps *Focus on elbow speed and fluidness of the turn over Min 2: 2-3 Bar MU Transition from low box + WOD 5 sets   10 burpees 5 bar MU 20 burpees 10 c2b pull up rest 3 min  + Supplemental/Strength Work 3 sets [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 122716

By |2016-12-27T05:59:33+00:00December 27th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm Up/Skill PVC Pass through x 5 5 DB Press; 10/15lbs 10 OH walking lunge with DB 10 sec HS Hold (wall or free) 5 push up rest 1 min x 2 + WOD CrossFit Open Workout 15.4 Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of: 3 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 6 handstand [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 122616

By |2016-12-26T15:52:11+00:00December 26th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm up/Skill 3 sets 10 active arch hold on bar 5 controlled kip swings 5 kip swing (hips added) 3 kip swing with knee to chest Rest 60 sec WOD For time 28-19-10 T2B Burpee *50 du between rounds Strength work 10 min Amrap 20# wght'd/strict ring pull ups

Crouching White Tiger WOD 122516

By |2016-12-25T00:51:31+00:00December 25th, 2016|White Tiger|

  Rest Day! Merry Christmas

Crouching White Tiger WOD 122416

By |2016-12-23T19:01:47+00:00December 23rd, 2016|White Tiger|

Skill Practice: Take 15-20 and work on a skill component from earlier in the week. These sets shouldn't be to fatigue. You should be looking for smooth, clean, solid movements. Engrain positive movement patterns! + WOD: 7 Min amrap 5 pull up/5 c2b (unbroken complex)  50 ft hs walk rest 3 min 10 min amrap [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 122316

By |2016-12-22T17:58:02+00:00December 22nd, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm Up/Skill 15 min Amrap (for quality) 10 cal AD 5 Single arm (R) KB Swing, light load 5 Single arm (L) KB Swing, light load 20 sec middle plank 10 sec arm extended side plank (L) 10 sec arm extended side plank (R) + WOD 21-15-9 GHD Back Ext 50 DU 25 Push up [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 122216

By |2016-12-22T03:31:28+00:00December 22nd, 2016|White Tiger|

 Today is a rest day for the program!

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