Crouching White Tiger WOD 091616

By |2016-09-15T00:57:16+00:00September 15th, 2016|White Tiger|

  Skill Practice: Take 15-20 and work on a skill component from earlier in the week. These sets shouldn't be to fatigue. You should be looking for smooth, clean, solid movements. Engrain positive movement patterns! WOD: 12:00 AMRAP For completion  200 Meter run 15 GHD sit-ups 30 Double-unders Rest 3 min 12:00 AMRAP 400 Meter [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 091316

By |2016-09-13T03:08:50+00:00September 13th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm-up: Ring Pec stretch; 30 sec  Supported German Hang; 30 sec Scap Pull Up; 10 reps X 3 Skill: MU Transitions (low rings/feet supported); 20 reps  Banded Muscle Up; 3 reps x 6 sets; rest 90 sec WOD: 20:00 AMRAP 15/20 Cal Assualt bike/Airdyne 50 ft OH barbell carry; 95/135# Strength: False Grip Ring Row(elevate feet to increase difficulty);  4-6 [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 091216

By |2016-09-11T22:39:24+00:00September 11th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm-up: 10 PVC shoulder dislocation 10 PVC shoulder dislocation (reverse grip) 2 min tricep mobilization/smash  x 3 Mobility: Thoracic Spine Mobilization; 10 min (Game Changer!) Strength: Negative Handstand push-ups; 5 reps w/ 5 sec lower x 5 sets; rest 2 min  -or- Kipping handstand push-ups w/ negative; 10 reps reps w/ controlled decent x 5; sets; rest 2 min  -or- Strict handstand push-ups, 10 sec [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 091116

By |2016-09-10T22:07:11+00:00September 10th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm-up 10 PVC Shoulder Dislocation 10 PVC Shoulder Dislocation (reverse grip) Scap Pull up; 10 reps X 3 Skill: Kip Swing (shoulders only); 5 reps Kip Swing w/ hips; 5 reps X 2 WOD: For time 1000 Meter row 50 Thrusters, 45/30# 30 Pull-ups Strength: Strict Negative Pull Up (5 sec decent w/ 5 sec chin over [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 091016

By |2016-09-09T17:31:53+00:00September 8th, 2016|White Tiger|

Today is a rest day for the program!  

Crouching White Tiger WOD 090916

By |2016-09-09T03:52:37+00:00September 7th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm-up Ring Pec stretch; 30 sec  Supported German Hang; 30 sec Scap Pull Up; 10 reps X 3 sets Skill: Muscle-up transitions (low rings/feet supported); 15 reps  Banded Muscle-up; 3 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec WOD: For time 1 Wall walk 3/5 Ring Dip (add band to scale) x10 Strength: False Grip Ring [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 090816

By |2016-09-06T20:10:05+00:00September 6th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm-up 10 PVC shoulder dislocation 10 PVC shoulder dislocation (reverse grip) 2 min tricep mobilization/smash  x 3 sets Mobility: Thoracic Spine Mobilization; 10 min (Game Changer!) Strength: Negative handstand push-ups; 3 reps w/ 5 sec lower x 5 sets; rest 2 min  -or- Kipping handstand push-up w/ Neg; 5 reps w/ controlled decent x 5; [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 090716

By |2016-09-06T02:15:17+00:00September 6th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm-up 10 PVC Shoulder Dislocation 10 PVC Shoulder Dislocation (reverse grip) Scap Pull up; 10 reps X 3 sets Skill: Kip Swing (shoulders only); 5 reps Kip Swing w/ hips; 5 reps x 2 sets WOD: For time 10 Burpee Pull Ups 15 Hollow Rocks x 5 rounds Strength: Strict Negative Pull Up (5 sec [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 090616

By |2016-09-06T02:12:18+00:00September 5th, 2016|White Tiger|

Today is a rest day for the program!

Crouching White Tiger WOD 090516

By |2016-09-05T01:10:05+00:00September 5th, 2016|White Tiger|

Skill practice: Take 15-20 and work on a skill component from earlier in the week. These sets shouldn't be to fatigue. You should be looking for smooth, clean, solid movements. Engrain positive movement patterns! For completion 7:00 AMRAP 10 Burpee 2 Wall Walk 20 Sec handstand Hold Rest 2 min  7:00 AMRAP 10 Burpee Box [...]

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