Crouching White Tiger WOD 071416

By |2016-07-12T04:36:05+00:00July 12th, 2016|White Tiger|

Today is a rest day for the program.

Crouching White Tiger WOD 071316

By |2016-07-12T04:34:10+00:00July 12th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm Up Perform At An Easy Warm Up Pace 20 Arm Swings 10 PVC Pass Through 30 Second Plank 30 Skin The Cat Floor Stretch 3 Skin The Cat On Rings SKILL: BELLY TO WALL HANDSTAND HOLD Accumulate 1 minute BACK TO WALL TAP AWAYS Slowly pull your heels off the wall to balance in [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 071216

By |2016-07-12T04:32:37+00:00July 12th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm Up Row :30 at 80% effort, :30 rest x6 Skill: FREE STANDING HANDSTAND PUSH UP Take 10 min to find your max set of unbroken free standing handstand push up. Scale to kipping handstand push ups against the wall or max shoulder taps 10 HEADSTAND TO HANDSTAND Accumulate 10 Headstand kip to Handstands WOD: Perform [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 071116

By |2016-07-11T14:35:29+00:00July 11th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm Up Perform 3 Rounds At An Easy Pace With Perfect Form 3 Dumbbell Press Use Light To Moderate Weight Dumbbells 2 Turkish Get Up On Each Arm Using A Light To Moderate Kettle Bell Skill: Shoulder Smoker Complete 1 Round As Fast As Possible 1 Lateral Wall Facing Handstand Walk Accumulate 45 Feet. Accumulate [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 071016

By |2016-07-09T07:11:34+00:00July 9th, 2016|White Tiger|

Today is a rest day for the program.

Crouching White Tiger WOD 070916

By |2016-07-09T07:10:22+00:00July 9th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm Up Assault Bike 30 Seconds At 80% Effort, 30 Seconds At 50% X 8 Skill: 5-5-5 IN & OUT COMPLEX Starting and ending point is 5 feet away from the wall. Hands must start and finish at the 5 ft mark. Handstand Walk Into The Wall 5 Ft, Perform 5 Kipping Handstand Push Ups, [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 070816

By |2016-11-14T10:34:41+00:00July 9th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm Up: Complete 3 Rounds At An Easy Warm Up Pace Assault Bike Plank Shoulder Taps Kettlebell Farmers Carry. Use 2 Moderately Heavy Kettle Bells Skill: Free Standing Shoulder Taps Take 10 Minutes To Find Your Max Set Of Unbroken Free Standing Shoulder Taps. Rest As Needed Between Attempts. Scale to shoulder taps on the [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 070716

By |2016-07-05T16:19:07+00:00July 5th, 2016|White Tiger|

Today is a rest day for the program.

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