Crouching White Tiger WOD 070216

By |2016-06-28T05:31:00+00:00June 28th, 2016|White Tiger|

WARM UP: 3 rounds at any easy pace Row 250 meters 30 meter Kettlebell Farmers Carry Choose A Moderately Challenging Weight 15 reps Supinated Banded Lat Pulls Choose A Moderately Challenging Weight SKILL: 5-5-5 IN & OUT COMPLEX Starting and ending point is 5 feet away from the wall. Hands must start and finish at [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 070116

By |2016-06-28T05:29:24+00:00June 28th, 2016|White Tiger|

WARM UP: 1 round at an easy pace 50 Single-Unders 10 Up Dog To Down Dog Lunges 10 Per Leg 10 Toe Touch Reach To Sky 10 Air Squats SKILL: SINGLE LEG PIKE HANDSTAND PUSH UPS Accumulate 15 Single Leg Pike Push Ups per leg, rest as needed between reps. Scale to Pike Handstand Push [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 063016

By |2016-06-28T05:28:17+00:00June 28th, 2016|White Tiger|

Today is a rest day for the program.

Crouching White Tiger WOD 062916

By |2016-11-14T10:34:42+00:00June 28th, 2016|White Tiger|

WARM UP: Perform 3 rounds at an easy pace Run 200 Meters 10 Rower Pike Ups 12/12 Walking Lunges SKILL: HANDSTAND WALK TO WALL MAX DISTANCE Start by placing your hands a few feet from a wall, kick up to a handstand and handstand walk into the wall. Start as close to the wall as [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 062816

By |2016-06-28T05:24:13+00:00June 28th, 2016|White Tiger|

Warm Up: Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Walk Accumulate 30m On Each Arm With A Challenging Weight While Maintaining Perfect Form Arm Circles 10 Forwards And 10 Backwards 2 Wall Walks Skill: HANDSTAND WORK BACK-TO-WALL HANDSTAND SHRUGS Accumulate 15 Shrugs With Your Back To The Wall. WALL FACING HANDSTAND SHRUGS Accumulate 15 Shrugs With Your Belly [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 062716

By |2016-06-27T03:34:26+00:00June 27th, 2016|White Tiger|

 WARM UP Perform 3 Rounds At An Easy Warm Up Pace 30 Meter Double Kettle Bell Overhead Walk Choose A Challenging Weight That You Can Maintain Locked Out Elbows The Entire Time With. 30 Single-Under SKILL: BACK TO WALL HANDSTAND HOLD Accumulate 1 minute BELLY TO WALL HANDSTAND HOLD Accumulate 1 minute BACK TO WALL [...]

Crouching White Tiger WOD 062616

By |2016-06-24T07:08:03+00:00June 24th, 2016|White Tiger|

Today is a rest day for the program.

Crouching White Tiger WOD 062516

By |2016-06-24T07:05:34+00:00June 24th, 2016|White Tiger|

WARM UP: Go through the movements for 5:00 Run 20M Skip 20M Shuffle 20M Broad Jump 20M MOBILITY: Go through 2 rounds of mobility movements 10 PVC pass throughs 20 Second Pectoralis stretch 20 Second Skin the cat floor stretch 20 Second Bridge SKILL: PULL Overs Complete 3 Rounds in 12 minutes of: 5 Strict [...]

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