3 Sets
10 Air squats
10 Walking lunges
10 PVC pass throughs
10 Touch downs
250 Meter row

Workout 1: Go through 1 Round quickly and efficiently, Rest 1:00 at the end before repeating
12 Dual KB push press 
12 Dual KB cleans
12 Cal bike or row 
12/12 Single Leg Tuck in Twists 
12/12 Kettlebell Renegade Rows 
Rest 1:00
X 5 Rounds

Workout 2: Intervals, work the order before moving to next round (4:00 Rounds)
:45 Max rep Kettlebell Halos, clockwise
:15 Rest 
:45 Max rep Up/downs (burpee no push-up)
:15 Rest 
:45 Max rep Kettlebell Halos, counter clockwise
:15 Rest
:45 Max rep Shoulder taps (feet elevated)
:15 Rest 
X 3 Rounds

5:00 of max rep Jump Rope
EMOM stop and do 7 Push-ups