- EMOM for 5:00 3 Touch and Go Hang Cleans 225/155
- EMOM for 4:00 3 Touch and Go Hang cleans 245/165
- EMOM for 3:00 2 Cleans 265/185
- EMOM for 3:00 5 Squat Clean thrusters 165/115
WOD 1: 5 Sets at high effort
- 21 Cal Row
- 15 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
- 9 Alt DB Snatch 55/35
- Rest 90 seconds
WOD 2: 5 Sets at high effort
- 21 Cal AB
- 15 Double DB Front Squat 55/35lb each hand
- 12 GHD sit ups
- 9 Handstand Push-ups
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