Women’s Beach Body 060223
WORKOUT: FOR TIME 100 Box step overs holding 20lb dumbbells Every res,t 10 Sit ups
WORKOUT: FOR TIME 100 Box step overs holding 20lb dumbbells Every res,t 10 Sit ups
STRENGTH 1) Build to 20 rep max sumo deadlift. (keep good form) 3 sets 2)6-8 single leg step ups 10 Glute hamstring raises 3 sets 3) 10 Straight leg Deadlifts Rest as needed between sets WORKOUT 30 Barbell back racked, back foot elevated Split squats 15 per leg 55lbs+ Rest 2 mins 20 Barbell back [...]
WORKOUT: For Time 100 Kettlebell swings 35 Every Rest 1200 meter run
Strength: 5 Rounds 1 Min AMRAP 10 Box jumps Max L-sit with minute remaining Rest 1 min between rounds 4 Sets 10 Push presses 55lbs Rest 30 secs 12 Bent over barbell rows (slow and controlled) Rest 2 mins bewteen sets Rest as needed, then... 4 Sets Dips ( until failure add weight if you [...]
STRENGTH 5 Sets 10 Reps TEMPO Front Racked KB squats 33 X 1 (3 Seconds down, 3 second pause at bottom) Rest 90 seconds between sets WORKOUT: FOR TIME 3 rounds 30 Back squats light and fast 30 Sit ups WORKOUT: Not for time 100 Seated Russian Twists with kettlebell (Feet off the ground)
Today is a Rest Day for the program! WodStar Recovery Yoga is made for days like this...
Today is an active rest day for the program! 45 Mins of one of the following: Rowing Biking Running Swimming
Strength: 3 Sets 20 Alternating standing dumbbell curls Rest 30 secs 20 Prone barbell tricep ext. (skull crushers) Rest 30 secs 3 Sets 10 Single arm overhead DB overhead lunges(10 per side) Rest 30 secs 10 Single arm single leg DB deadlifts (10 per side) Rest 30 secs 3 Sets 10 Seated dumbbell hammer curls [...]
Workout: “The Calorie Burner” 2K row 100 Sit-ups 2K row
Strength: 3 Sets Find 5 Rep max push press Then Every 3 Mins for 15 Mins 5 Push presses at 80-90% of your 5 RM 3 Sets 10 Seated Dumbbell lateral raise Rest 30 secs 10 Standing dumbbell front raises Rest 30 secs 15 Bent over rear dumbbell flys Rest 2 Mins Workout: 7:00 AMRAP 10 [...]
Strength: 5 Sets 5 Wall walks Rest 30 secs 10 Dumbbell curl and presses Rest as needed 4 Sets 10 Glute Bridge with barbell Rest 30 secs 10 Side plank rotations with light dumbbell (slow and controlled) 10 per side Rest 2 mins Rest as needed 4 Sets 1 min max jump rope or double [...]
Strength: 10 Rounds 10 Alt. Lunges with barbell front racked 10 Single leg Box jumps 5 per side 1 min rest Rest as needed before workout Workout: For Time 3-5rounds 20 Deadlifts 95lbs 40 Sit-ups 40ft sled push. If you don’t have a sled sub 200 m sprint