Wodstar 020317
Wodstar's WOD of the Day is a daily CrossFit workout that we post for general physical preparedness. We also feature targeted workouts to fit every need.
Wodstar's WOD of the Day is a daily CrossFit workout that we post for general physical preparedness. We also feature targeted workouts to fit every need.
Wodstar's WOD of the Day is a daily CrossFit workout that we post for general physical preparedness. We also feature targeted workouts to fit every need.
Wodstar's WOD of the Day is a daily CrossFit workout that we post for general physical preparedness. We also feature targeted workouts to fit every need.
Wodstar's WOD of the Day is a daily CrossFit workout that we post for general physical preparedness. We also feature targeted workouts to fit every need.
Wodstar's WOD of the Day is a daily CrossFit workout that we post for general physical preparedness. We also feature targeted workouts to fit every need.
Warm up: 5:00 of light bike/row/run/jump rope then 3 Rounds of: 5x Push-Ups 10x Air Squats 30 Second Bridge Pose hold 20x PVC Pass throughs Strength: Strict Press 15 Minutes to build to a 5RM Warm up sets as follows: 5 @ 50% - 4 @ 60% - 3 @ 70% OCR Conditioning: For Time: [...]
Body Work: Bench Press: 5x6-8 Rest as Needed 2. Incline Dumbell Press: 5x6-8 Rest as Needed 3. Machine Fly: 3x8-10 Rest 60 Seconds 4. Weighted Dips: 3x8-10 Rest 2-3 Minutes Finisher: Bike for 30 Seconds Hard Rest 90 Seconds x 10 Sets
Wodstar's WOD of the Day is a daily CrossFit workout that we post for general physical preparedness. We also feature targeted workouts to fit every need.
Wodstar's WOD of the Day is a daily CrossFit workout that we post for general physical preparedness. We also feature targeted workouts to fit every need.
Wodstar's WOD of the Day is a daily CrossFit workout that we post for general physical preparedness. We also feature targeted workouts to fit every need.
Wodstar's WOD of the Day is a daily CrossFit workout that we post for general physical preparedness. We also feature targeted workouts to fit every need.
Wodstar's WOD of the Day is a daily CrossFit workout that we post for general physical preparedness. We also feature targeted workouts to fit every need.