WodStar 102123
Strength: Bench Press 5x5 @2111 Clean from blocks at knee 3x3, 2x2, 2x1 Workout: 10 Min AMRAP 20 Cal Ski erg 15 Toes to bar 15 Power cleans 185/135# Accessory Work: 3 Sets Single Arm Dumbbell Rows x10 (pull to hip) Dumbbell Press x10
Strength: Bench Press 5x5 @2111 Clean from blocks at knee 3x3, 2x2, 2x1 Workout: 10 Min AMRAP 20 Cal Ski erg 15 Toes to bar 15 Power cleans 185/135# Accessory Work: 3 Sets Single Arm Dumbbell Rows x10 (pull to hip) Dumbbell Press x10
Today is a Recovery Day for the Program!
Warm-up: 2 Sets 10/10 Pike ups 5 Push-up walk outs 10 Touch downs :30 Jumping jacks Strength: Bench press: 10-8-8-6 Kettlebell pull overs: 12/12 x 4 sets WOD: 1:00 Max reps each movement Burpee box jump (24"/20") Pull-ups Ball slams (20/15) Cal bike Rest as needed x 4 Sets *Notes: With the rest at the end of each round, [...]
Warm-up: 2 Sets 12/12 Single leg hip thrusts 15 Meter high knee 15 Meter butt kicks 8/8 PVC figure 8's Strength: EMOM for 3:00, 4 Power cleans (60%) Rest 2:00 EMOM for 3:00, 3 Power cleans (70%) Rest 2:00 EMOM for 3:00, 2 Power cleans (80%) Rest 2:00 EMOM for 3:00, 1 Power cleans (1RM) WOD: 10:00 AMRAP 20/20 [...]
Warm-up: 2 Sets 10 Scap pull downs 5/5 Alternating pigeon 10 Over/under arm swings Strength: EMOM for 10:00 Min 1: 2 Rope climbs Min 2: 1/1 Barbell on back box step up (increase 1 rep each leg every set, pick a challenging weight) WOD: 12:00 AMRAP Accumulate 10 Rope climbs at any point 10 Ring dips 10 Box [...]
Warm-up: 5:00 of related tissue work, then 2 rounds :30 ankle rolls per foot 10 upward dog to inch worms 5 Burpees 10 Supermans Strength: Clean and jerk: Rest as needed after each set 1.1.1 1.1 1 WOD: For Time 30 Inverted Row + 30 GHD sit-ups Then 5-4-3-2-1 Clean & Jerk (70% of today's) 200 Meter run after [...]
Warm-up: 5:00 of related tissue work, then 5 Inchworms 10 Over/Under arm swings 10 PVC good mornings x 3 Sets Strength: Superset Deadlift (80%) x 5 Seated box jump x 5 Reps (sit at parallel and jump to a 24"/20" box, build in height) Rest 1:30 after superset, x 4 Sets Kettlebell roller press: 12/12-10/10-10/10-8/8 WOD: With a continuous [...]
Warm-up: 5/5 PVC figure 8's 15 Kip swings 20 Second ring pec stretch 5/5 Alternating lateral lunge x 3 Sets Strength: Snatch from the blocks 2 pulls + 1 snatch x 4 sets (below knee) 1 pull + 2 snatch x 4 sets (above knee) Rope climb: 3 sets of 2 ascents WOD 1: 6:00 AMRAP 1 Rope Climb [...]
Warm-up 1:00 Jump rope 10/10 High kicks 5/5 Overhead med ball walking lunges 5/5 PVC figure 8's x 2 Sets Workout 1: 12:00 Time Cap, work the order, rest as needed, increasing weight 12/12-10/10-8/8-6/6 KB renegade row with support 12/12/-10/10-8/8-6/6 Single Arm Kettlebell Cradle/Single Arm Suitcase Box Step Ups 12-10-8-6 Dual KB push press Rest 1-3:00 Between workouts [...]
Today is a Rest Day! Here is Your Mobility
Here’s today’s Military, Law Enforcement, and Firefighter workout. If you are in need of a movement substitution you can click here for our substitution list. Low Volume for a couple days...reset the system WARM-UP 3 Sets 10 Air squats 10 Lunges 10 PVC pass throughs 10 Touch downs 250 Meter row ENDURANCE: Row 5k @ [...]
REST DAY - Yoga, hike, fun with family/friends, play Rest Day Recovery