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A: 3 sets

  • 200 Meter run
  • 10 Straight legs Toes to Rings 
  • 10 Sandbag back squat jumps

*Rest 2 min between sets

Coaches notes:

On your toes to rings keep your shoulder girdle and lats active by pulling shoulders down and away from your ears. Press through your palms to activate your lats while holding a strong hollow body position. Compress your ribs towards your hips, squeeze your glutes, tuck your tailbone, straighten and engage your legs, and point your feet as you bring your legs upward toward the rings. 

On the sandbag back squat jumps position the sandbag across your upper back. Focus your eyes straight ahead while keeping your torso as upright as possible. Your knees should track with your toes and your weight should be evenly distributed across your whole foot all the way through. Drive upward through your midfoot with your shoulders and chest leading. Bring your hips back in vertical alignment with your shoulders, knees, and ankles while squeezing your glutes. Push off the floor allowing your feet to leave the floor an inch or two before returning back to your squat stance and into your next squat.


B: 3 sets

  • 400 Meter row
  • 10 Ring swings with turn out
  • 10 Sandbag jumping lunges

*Rest 2 min between sets

Coaches notes:

Aim to make these big swings as long as you are able to maintain good control and position throughout.

On the sandbag jumping lunges position the sandbag across your upper back. Focus your eyes straight ahead while keeping your torso as upright as possible. Focus on maintaining even weight distribution across both feet when landing and descending into the bottom of the lunge. The front shin should stay vertical with the knee stacked over the heel and the back knee should lightly touch the floor directly in line with the hip and shoulder. Practice keeping the torso upright while bracing through the mid line.


C: 3 sets

*Rest 2 min between sets

Coaches notes:

Keep the muscle ups strict and perform on low rings if you are still working toward this skill.

On the wall ball set your body about arms length from the wall and feet to shoulder width apart. Focus your eyes on the horizon, pull your shoulders down and back, and keep your torso as upright as possible. Hold a wall ball at your chest with your hands on either side toward the bottom. As you begin your squat your knees should track with your toes with your body weight evenly distributed across both feet. Think about driving upward through the middle of your foot leading upward with your chest. Bring your hips through at the top while squeezing your glutes. At this time you will use the force and power you just created from your lower half and allow it to transfer to the ball. Aim for the ball to reach a 10′ target. Receive the ball and hug it back in toward your chest. Make sure your weight is evenly distributed across both of your feet before descending into your next rep.


Low Back and Hamstrings