Performance Unleashed 071823
Today is an Active Rest Day! 60 Minutes of play! Recovery: Rest Day Recovery
Today is an Active Rest Day! 60 Minutes of play! Recovery: Rest Day Recovery
Major: Back, anaerobic Minor: triceps, Shoulders 500m row warmup 4 Rounds for time 5 Pull-ups 5 Chin-ups 5 Wide pull-ups 15 Dumbbell Tricep Extensions 3 min rest 4 Rounds for time 10 Bent over rows (with 25-45lb plate or DB’s) 20 Yard Farmers Carry (with same weight) 10 Burpees 2 min rest Sprint Intervals EMOM [...]
Modification for home workout with Dumbbells “Lumberjack” 2 rounds for time: 12 Burpees 12 Single arm Thrusters (6 each side) 12 Burpees 12 Power Snatch (6 each side) 12 Burpees 12 Push Jerks (6 each side) 12 Burpees 12 Squat Cleans 12 Burpees 12 Overhead walking lunges Recovery Stretch
Options to sub out with DB’s for home workout Metcon 0-5min 45/30 Cal Assault Bike OR 500 Row Max DB Hammer Curls in remaining time. 5-10min AMRAP: 10 Bench Press 135/95lb. 20 American KB Swings 53/35lb. 10-15min Row 500m (or 50 resistance band pulls) Max DB Tricep extension in remaining time. 15-20min AMRAP: 10 Bench [...]
Options to sub out with DB’s for homeworkout Major: Legs, Back Minor: core Warmup 30/20/10 cal on rower (or use resistance bands) 30/20/10 Reps wall ball 30/20/10 push-ups Ex. 3 rounds, 1st round 30 of each, 2nd 20, 3rd 10 2 min rest 10 Minute AMRAP 10 deadlifts #185/135 10 shoulder press w/ Medium heavy [...]
Rest or active recovery Get outside if you can for fresh air and some steps Recovery stretch
Major: chest, back Minor: Arms, core Anaerobic warmup to wakeup nervous system 30 Second jump rope 5 Burpee to box jump 5 Ball slams, bent over chest pass into the ground 2 Rounds Into.. Superset 1 Incline Press Drop Set 5-10-15 Ex. Three 25# plates (195) for 5 Two 25# plates (145) for 10 One [...]
Major: Legs and Back Minor: cardio & Core Warmup: mobility and build to heavy 5RM Squat 4 Rounds 5 Squats at 80% 5 pull-ups with 3second eccentric lower Rest 1 minute 3 min rest SQ Clean & Row Superset Pick the same DB’s for both moves Use the bench for squat cleans and rows Go [...]
Active recovery Find something in level 2 for 30-60 minute range with low-moderate stress level Mobility routine
This workout can be done with DB’s and/or at a home gym Major: Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps Minor: Core 5 min warmup (should be level of breaking a sweat) 60/30/30 Complete Movement A for max reps for 60 Seconds, then B, and then C. Rest 1 minute or less and move on to 30 seconds for [...]
Major: Shoulders, endurance Minor: Chest, core 2 Rounds .25 Run @ 80% effort (5 incline for extra) 90 Seconds rest Rest 2 mins 5 Rounds 10 Alt. DB Snatches 45/30lb. 10 Push-Ups Rest 2 mins 2 Rounds .25 Run @ 80% effort 5 incline for extra) 90 Seconds rest Rest 2 mins 5 Rounds 10 [...]
Rest or active recovery Swim, bike, run, or yoga (non-stressful) Recovery routine