WodStar 012223

By |2023-01-19T20:33:42+00:00January 22nd, 2023|Wodstar Daily|

Strength: Back Squat 4×10 (70-75%) Strength 2: Every 3 min x10 (30min) Snatch Sets Min 1-2 = 3 reps 60-65% Min 3-4= 2 reps 70-75% Min 5-6= 1 rep 80% Min 7-8= 1 rep 85% Min 9-10= 1 rep 90% WOD: 9-7-5 Dumbbell Squat Snatch 70/50# Ring Muscle Ups Accessory Work: 4 Sets Jefferson Curl x8-10 Weighted GHD sit ups x15-20 [...]

WodStar 012023

By |2023-01-18T13:17:36+00:00January 20th, 2023|Wodstar Daily|

Strength:  Seated Strict press 3×5 (70-75%) Strength:  Clean from blocks at knee build to tough triple for the day WOD: For Time 21 Thruster 95/65# 9 C2b Pull Ups  15 Thruster 15 C2B Pull Ups 9 Thruster 21 C2B Pull Ups Accessory Work: 3 Sets Barbell Row x15 rest 30 seconds Dumbbell Skull crushers x15 rest 90 seconds

WodStar 011923

By |2023-01-18T13:14:42+00:00January 19th, 2023|Wodstar Daily|

Strength: Front Squats 3×5 (70-75%) Strength 2: Clean Grip Deadlift 3×5 Strength 3: 3 Position Snatch (high, below knee, floor) build to moderate/tough set for the day (8 sets max) WOD: 100 Cal Assault bike for time Accessory Work: 400 Meter Sand bag carry (load should be tough, but able to complete all 400m in [...]

WodStar 011823

By |2023-01-12T17:44:06+00:00January 18th, 2023|Wodstar Daily|

Endurance: Rowing 12 Sets 200 Meters at 90% rest 90 seconds between sets

WodStar 011723

By |2023-01-12T17:43:50+00:00January 17th, 2023|Wodstar Daily|

Strength: 3 Sets Trap Bar DL x10 (70-75%) rest 30 seconds Single leg seated box jump x5 each WOD: For Time 30 Ring Muscle-ups EMOM: Every 4 Min for 4 sets (16 min) 10 Cal Bike 10 Deadlift 225/185# 10m Hand stand walk 10 Wall Balls 30/20# Accessory Work: 3 Sets 200ft heavy rev sled drag rest as needed between

WodStar 011623

By |2023-01-12T17:43:18+00:00January 16th, 2023|Wodstar Daily|

Strength: BTN Push Press 4×8 (70%) Power Clean from blocks (knee) Build to moderate/tough triple WOD: For Time 10 to 1 Toe to bar  Power Cleans 185/135# Strict Handstand push-ups Accessory Work: 3 Sets Supinated grip pull ups x 10-12 DB Skull crushers x 10-12 EZ Bar Curls x 10-12

WodStar 011523

By |2023-01-12T17:43:00+00:00January 15th, 2023|Wodstar Daily|

Strength:  Back squat: 4 × 8 Reps (70%) Strength 2: Power Snatch: in 8 sets, build to tough triple WOD: 10 Rounds for time 10 Cal Row 3 Power Snatch (155/105) Accessory Work: 3 Sets Band pull throughs x30 rest 60 seconds GHD raises x12-15 rest as needed

WodStar 011423

By |2023-01-10T14:20:37+00:00January 14th, 2023|Wodstar Daily|

Today is a rest day for the program! WODstar Recovery Yoga is made for days like this..

WodStar 011323

By |2023-01-10T14:19:42+00:00January 13th, 2023|Wodstar Daily|

Strength: Behind the Neck Strict press 5×10 EMOM: B) 5 Min EMOM High hang power clean + low hang power clean 5 Min EMOM Hang power clean + power clean 5 min EMOM Power clean WOD: For Time 21-15-9 Assault bike cals KB Thrusters 50s/35s # Toe to bar rest 5 min 12-9-6 DB Snatch 70/50 # Bar [...]

WodStar 011223

By |2023-01-10T14:17:38+00:00January 12th, 2023|Wodstar Daily|

Endurance: ROW 10 Sets 150 Meters at 90-95% Rest 2 min between sets

WodStar 011123

By |2023-01-04T17:34:11+00:00January 11th, 2023|Wodstar Daily|

Strength: A) Front Squat 8×3 (85-85%) Strength 2:  B) Stiff Leg Deadlift 3×8 EMOM: C) Every 90 seconds x5 3 Position Hang power snatch (high, mid thigh below knee) Every 90 seconds x5 Hang power snatch + power snatch Every 90 seconds x5 power snatch + OHS WOD: 10 Min AMRAP 50 Wallball 20/16# 50 Box jump over 24/20″ 25 Handstand Push Up  Accessory Work: 3 Sets [...]

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