Women’s Beach Body 032122
Today is a Rest Day for the program! WodStar Recovery Yoga is made for days like this... https://vimeo.com/193756013
Today is a Rest Day for the program! WodStar Recovery Yoga is made for days like this... https://vimeo.com/193756013
Today is an active rest day for the program! 45 Mins of one of the following: Rowing Biking Running Swimming
Strength: 1) Find a 5 Rep max push press Then Every 3:00 for 15:00 5 Push presses at 80-90% of your 5 RM 2) 3 sets 10 Seated Dumbbell lateral raise Rest 30 secs 10 Standing dumbbell front raises Rest 30 secs 15 Bent over rear dumbbell flys Rest 2 mins Workout: 7 min amrap 10 [...]
Strength: 1)5 Sets 5 Wall walks Rest 30 Sec 10 Dumbbell curl and presses Rest as needed 2)4 Sets 10 Glute Bridge with barbell Rest 30 Sec 10 Side plank rotations with light dumbbell (slow and controlled) 10 per side Rest 2:00 Rest as needed 3)4 Sets 1:00 Max jump rope or double unders Rest [...]
Strength: 10 Rounds 10 Alt. Lunges with barbell front racked 10 Single leg Box jumps, 5 per side 1 Min rest Rest as needed before workout Workout: For Time 3-5 Rounds 20 Deadlifts 95lbs 40 Sit-ups 40ft sled push. If you don’t have a sled sub 200 m sprint
STRENGTH 1) Single arm KB upside down strict press 5 Sets of 5 Reps ( slow and controlled) 2) 4 Sets 20 DB curls (light) 6-8 Chin ups Rest as needed between sets 3) 3 Sets 10 Skull crushers Into max rep close grip push-ups Workout: For Time 21 Push-ups 21 Strict pull-ups 15 Push-ups 15 [...]
Today is a Rest Day for the program! WodStar Recovery Yoga is made for days like this...
Today is an active rest day for the program! 45 Mins of one of the following: Rowing Biking Running Swimming
Warm-up: 2 Sets 10 Up dog/down dog :15 Butt kicks :15 High knees 8/8 PVC figure 8's Workout: For Time: 20min Amrap 2000m ski or row 60 Burpee to Bar (6in) Max T2B or sit-ups with time remaining Optional workout: For Time: 30 Thrusters (65) 30 Cal. Row 20 Thrusters (75) 20 Cal. Row 10 Thrusters (95) 10 Cal. [...]
Warm-up: 800 Meter row Body Work: Deadlift 15-12-10-8 rest 2 mins between sets Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 5x6 (hold at bottom for 5 seconds) rest 90 seconds between sets D grip Low Cable Row 5x8 rest 90 seconds between sets Incline Bench supported dual db row 5x10 rest 90 seconds between sets Optional Workout: 5 [...]
Warm-up: 2-3 sets 10 inch worms 10 plank to bird dog 5 burpees 20 pipe pass throughs 10 prone scorpions Workout: For Time: 4 rounds 100 ft db walking lunges 25 db push presses - 35lb dbs Body Work: 1) Seated barbell press 4x6-8 rest 90 seconds between sets 2) lateral db raise 4x20 rest 90 [...]