Women’s Beach Body 020122

By |2022-01-26T22:06:14+00:00January 26th, 2022|Womens Beach Body|

Warm-up: Hit about 5 Min of related tissue work, then: 15 PVC pass throughs 15 Push-up walk outs 15 Pike ups Upper Body (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Back, Biceps) Dumbbell bench press: 4x10 Reps, superset with next movement Dumbbell rear delt flys: 4x10 Reps, superset with next movement Prone (face down) lying Incline bench dual Dumbbell row: 4x10 Reps, [...]

Women’s Beach Body 012822

By |2022-01-26T22:05:15+00:00January 26th, 2022|Womens Beach Body|

Warm up: 2 Sets 10 Inch worms 10 Hip Hurdles aka Over fence 10 Lunge with twist then 5:00 - Easy run Legs ( Hamstrings, Glutes, Abs) 1. Straight leg deadlift: 20-15-10-5-5 Reps, 4 seconds down, 1 second up, Superset with next movement V-ups: 5x20-30 Reps rest as needed 2. Lying Leg curls: 4x12 Reps, superset with next movement [...]

Women’s Beach Body 012722

By |2022-01-26T22:05:04+00:00January 26th, 2022|Womens Beach Body|

Warm-up: Jog for 2 Minutes Rest for 1 Minute Jog for 1 Minute Core (Abs, Cardio) 1. 4 Sets of 200 meter run, superset with next movement 2. Hanging leg raises: 4x failure, rest 1 min between sets 3. 4 sets of 200 meter row, superset with next movement Kneeling cable crunch: 20-15-15-20 Reps, rest [...]

Women’s Beach Body 012622

By |2022-01-18T23:49:12+00:00January 18th, 2022|Womens Beach Body|

Warm-up: Hit about 5 Min of related tissue work, then: 15 PVC pass throughs 15 Push-up walk outs 15 Pike ups Upper Body (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Back, Biceps) 1. Incline DB bench Press: 4x10 Reps, superset with next movement DB seated shoulder press: 4x10 Reps, superset with next movement Bent over DB row: 4x10 Reps, rest 2-3 mins [...]

Women’s Beach Body 012522

By |2022-01-18T23:49:01+00:00January 18th, 2022|Womens Beach Body|

Today starts new schedule! Warm-up 10/10 Up and Over the Fence 20/20 PVC Side to Side Swing 20 PVC Good Mornings  20 PVC Overhead Squats 20 PVC Pass Throughs Legs (Quads, calves) Leg Extensions: 50-40-30-20-10 Reps, rest 2 min between sets Leg Presses: 40-30-20-10 Reps,  superset with next movement Walking lunges: 4x20 Reps, weighted if [...]

Women’s Beach Body 012422

By |2022-01-18T23:48:46+00:00January 18th, 2022|Womens Beach Body|

Today is a Rest Day for the program! Follow This Video To Recover!

Women’s Beach Body 012322

By |2022-01-18T23:48:33+00:00January 18th, 2022|Womens Beach Body|

Today is an Active Recovery Day! Spend 45-60:00 Doing a moderate activity like run, hike, swim, bike, or cardio piece of choice Recovery: Rest Day Recovery

Women’s Beach Body 012222

By |2022-01-18T23:48:19+00:00January 18th, 2022|Womens Beach Body|

Warm-up: 2 Sets 200 Meter run 10 Spiderman push-ups 10 Over under arm swings 10 Touch downs 5/5 High kicks Body Work: Banded lat pull down: 5×12-15 Reps, 45 second rest between sets Dumbbell renegade rows: 3x 12-15 Reps, 45 second rest between sets Reverse grip pull down: 3×12-15 Reps, 45 second rest between sets Bent over dumbbell rows: [...]

Women’s Beach Body 012122

By |2022-01-18T23:48:08+00:00January 18th, 2022|Womens Beach Body|

Warm-up: 5:00 Of related tissue work, then 1 round of: 20 PVC overhead squats (slow) 20 Up Dog/Down Dogs Body Work: Dumbbell Shoulder press: 5x12 Reps, 45 second rest between sets Plate raises: 3x15 Reps, 45 second rest between sets Single arm dumbbell upright row: 4x12/12 Reps, 45 second rest between sets Inverted ring or TRX rows: 4x Max [...]

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