Women’s Beach Body 122721
Today is a Rest Day for the program! Follow This Video To Recover!
Today is a Rest Day for the program! Follow This Video To Recover!
Today is an Active Recovery Day! Spend 45-60:00 Doing a moderate activity like run, hike, swim, bike, or cardio piece of choice Recovery: Rest Day Recovery
Warm-up: 2 Sets 10 Push-up walk outs 10 Touch downs 10 Over under arm swings Body Work: Chest/biceps Bench Press 10x10 Reps, rest as little as possible DB curl: 10x10 Reps, rest as little as possible Core Work: 1 min on 1 min off max rep bicycle crunches for 10 mins Optional Workout: 10:00 As many rounds as [...]
Warm-up: 2 Sets 10 PVC Pass Throughs 10 PVC Overhead Squats 10 PVC Good Mornings 10/10 Star Lunge Body Work: Triceps/calves/abs Cable crunch rope attachment: 4x20 Reps, rest 1:00 between Cable tricep extension, rope attachment: 4x20 Reps, superset with next movement Seated calf raises: 4x20 Reps, rest 60 seconds between Sit-ups: 4x20 Reps, superset with next movement Close grip [...]
Warm-up: 3 Sets 12/12 PVC Side Swings 12/12 Hip Circles :30 Max Rep Jumping Jacks 12/12 Toe Touches Body Work: Shoulders Dumbbell lateral raises: 50-40-30-20-10 Reps, rest 1:00 between Dumbbell Arnold press: 3x10 Reps, rest 1:00 between Barbell upright rows: 3x15 Reps, superset with Dumbbell front raise: 3x15 Reps, superset with Dumbbell rear delt flys: 3x15 Reps, rest 1:30 between [...]
Warm-up: 400 Meter run or row 10/10 Side lunges 20 PVC overhead squats x 2 Body Work: legs Leg extensions: 4x20 Reps, rest 1:00 between Shoulder width stance barbell squat: 30-20-10 Reps, rest 1:00 between Walking lunges: 4x20 Reps, superset with next movement Leg press: 4x8 Reps, 5 second pause at bottom, 90 second rest between sets Jump lunges: [...]
Warm-up: 2 Sets Run or Row400 Meters 15 PVC Good mornings 20 PVC Pass Throughs 10/10 Up and Over the Fence Body Work: Back Deadlift 10-8-6-4-2 Reps, superset with next movement Pull up: 4x10 Reps, rest 90 seconds between sets Single arm dumbbell row: 4x8 Reps, superset with next movement V-grip lat pull downs: 4x10 Reps, hold at bottom [...]
Today is a Rest Day for the program! Follow This Video To Recover!
Today is an Active Recovery Day! Spend 45-60:00 Doing a moderate activity like run, hike, swim, bike, or cardio piece of choice Recovery: Rest Day Recovery
Warm-up: :30 Jump rope 10 Hand release push-ups 10/10 Toe touches 10 PVC pass throughs x 2-3 Rounds Body Work: Chest/biceps Dumbbell Flys (warm up): 4x20 Reps, superset with next movement Dumbbell alternating curls: 4x20 Reps (10 per arm), rest 90 seconds between sets Decline cable flys: 4x20 Reps, superset with next movement Cable curls: 4x20 Reps, squeeze [...]
Warm-up: Run or Row200 Meters 15 Pogo Jumps :20/:20 Couch stretch :20 Over/under arm swings Body work: Triceps/calves/abs Standing dumbbell double arm overhead extension 4x12 Reps, rest 1:00 between Calf raises: 4x15 Reps, rest 1:00 between Cable tricep press downs: 4x10 Reps, rest 1:00 between Diamond push-ups: 4x failure, rest 1:00 between Adduction crunch with ball: 3x50 Reps, rest 1:00 [...]
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Today is a Rest Day for the program! Follow This Video To Recover!