Women’s Beach Body 060121

By |2021-06-01T18:08:30+00:00June 1st, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Warm-up: 5:00 of shoulder, lat, and trap tissue work then 2 Sets of: :20 Seated arm pumps 10/10 Single leg hip thrusts Thoracic warm-up Body Work: 1)Deadlift: 5x8 (same weight every set), rest 2-3 Mins between sets 2) Bent Over Supinated Grip Barbell Row: 3x10-12 reps, rest 2-3 Mins between sets 3) Supinated barbell row: 3x10-12, rest [...]

Women’s Beach Body 052821

By |2021-05-26T01:09:54+00:00May 26th, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Warm-up: 5/5 PVC figure 8's 15 Kip swings 20 Second ring pec stretch 5/5 Alternating lateral lunge x 3 Sets Body Work: 1) Barbell Bench Press: 3 x 20 Reps (increase weight each set if possible) 2-3 Min rest between sets 2) Dumbbell kickbacks: 3 x 20 Reps, rest as needed 3) Push ups: 3 x max reps, 2-3 [...]

Women’s Beach Body 052721

By |2021-05-26T01:09:43+00:00May 26th, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Warm-up: 5:00 of related tissue work, then 2 Sets 5/5 Alternating pigeon 5/5 PVC figure 8's :20/:20 Couch stretch Workout: FOR max reps “The Calorie Burner” No rest between stations 5 Mins max cal row or bike Into 5 min max burpees Into 5 min max Turkish get ups Into 5 min max reps of 7 kettlebell swings [...]

Women’s Beach Body 052621

By |2021-05-26T01:09:30+00:00May 26th, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Warm-up: 2 Sets 10/10 Pike ups 5 Push-up walk outs 10 Touch downs :30 Jumping jacks Body Work: Sprints 8 sets of 1 Min max 25ft lateral shuffles (don't cross feet over.  Stay low and shuffle side to side) 1 Min rest 3 sets of 1) 10 Good mornings (4 sec eccentric motion) 2) 10 Strict toes to bar [...]

Women’s Beach Body 052521

By |2021-05-21T16:06:18+00:00May 21st, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Warm-up: 5:00 of related tissue work, then 2 Sets of 5/5 PVC figure 8's 20 PVC overhead squats Body Work 1) 4 sets (“supersets” one after another) Seated Dumbbell Overhead press 10-15 reps 10/10 Single leg tuck and twist 90 sec rest between sets 2) 4 Sets of dumbbell front raise 10-15 reps (slow and controlled) no [...]

Women’s Beach Body 052421

By |2021-05-21T16:05:20+00:00May 21st, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Today is a Rest Day for the program! Follow This Video To Recover!

Women’s Beach Body 052321

By |2021-05-21T16:04:24+00:00May 21st, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Today is an Active Rest day for the program! EMOM for 45 Min around the world: Min 1-Rowing Min 2- 1 Min plank Min 3- Air Dyne Min 4- Body Weight Lunges Min 5- Single-Unders Recovery: Rest Day Recovery

Women’s Beach Body 052221

By |2021-05-21T16:04:20+00:00May 21st, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Warm-up: 2 Sets 10/10 Ankle roll outs 10/10 PVC leg swings 10/10 Hip circles :20-:30 Inverted hollow hold Body work: Leg Press 3 x 12, 2 x10 Rest 1:00-1:30 between sets Romanian Deadlifts: 3 x 12, 2 x 10 Walking lunges: 5 x 30 seconds *Perform exercises 2 and 3 as a superset, rest 1:30-2:30 between sets Leg extensions: [...]

Women’s Beach Body 052121

By |2021-05-21T16:03:46+00:00May 21st, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Warm-up: Thoracic warm-up 10 Toe touch to reach 10/10 Single leg raises x 3 Body work: Dumbbell incline press: 3 x 12, 2 x 10 Lat pull down: 3 x 12, 2 x 10 *Perform as a superset, with a :30-1:30 between sets Cable flys: 3 x 12, 2 x 10 Cable rows: 3 x 12, 2 [...]

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