Women’s Beach Body 022221

By |2021-02-16T15:47:03+00:00February 16th, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Today is a Rest Day for the program! Follow This Video To Recover!

Women’s Beach Body 022121

By |2021-02-16T15:46:51+00:00February 16th, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Today is an active rest day for the program! Pick one of the following: Option 1: 5:00 Warm up jog Then :30 Sprint of cardio of choice :30 Warm up pace x 15-20 Intervals Option 2: 60 Minute yoga class Option 3: Light swim or row for 30 Min, every 5 Min do a 1:00 [...]

Women’s Beach Body 022021

By |2021-02-16T15:46:38+00:00February 16th, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Body Work: Shoulders DB shoulder press: 4 x 12 Reps, rest as needed Kettlebell Halos: 4 x 10 Reps each direction, rest as needed Push Press: 4 x 8 Reps, rest as needed DB Front/ lateral raises: 4 x 10/10, rest as needed Core Work: 10 Sets 30 Second hollow body hold  Rest 30 secs [...]

Women’s Beach Body 021921

By |2021-02-16T15:46:23+00:00February 16th, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Body Work: Legs 1) Back Squat: 4 x 10 Reps, rest as needed 2) Back Squat with inside shoulder width stance: 4 x 6  Reps, rest as needed 3) Back Squat feet touching: 4 x 8 Reps, rest as needed 5) Barbell hip thrusts: 4 x 15 Reps, rest as needed Core Work: 3 Sets [...]

Women’s Beach Body 021821

By |2021-02-16T15:46:11+00:00February 16th, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Workout: As Many Rounds in 15:00 As Possible of: 12 Front Squats (65lbs) 12 Shoulder presses 12 Toes to bar Mobility: Chest, Shoulders and Spine

Women’s Beach Body 021721

By |2021-02-16T15:45:31+00:00February 16th, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Workout: 3 Sets of as many rounds as possible in 5:00, rest 1:00 between the 5:00 workouts 10 Each leg Step Back Lunge Steps (back rack) 10 Hang Power Clean (65) Mobility: Quads, Hips, and Hamstrings

Women’s Beach Body 021621

By |2021-02-16T15:45:15+00:00February 16th, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Body Work: Arms 1) Skull crushers: 4 x 12 Reps, Super set with barbell or dumbbell preacher curls: 4 x 12 Reps, rest as needed between supersets 2)Bench dips: ( feet up) 4 x 20 Reps Superset with DB hammer curls: 4 x 20 Reps, rest as needed between supersets 3) Double arm DB overhead [...]

Women’s Beach Body 021421

By |2021-02-07T21:42:50+00:00February 7th, 2021|Womens Beach Body|

Today is an active rest day for the program! Pick one of the following: Option 1: 5:00 Warm up jog Then 1:00 High pace run 1:00 Warm up pace jog x 10-12 Intervals Option 2: 60 Minute yoga class Option 3: Light swim or row for 30 Min, every 5 Min do a 1:00 Hollow [...]

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