Women’s Beach Body 100220
“Calorie Burner” 100 Burpee dumbbell thrusters for time (light to moderate weight)
“Calorie Burner” 100 Burpee dumbbell thrusters for time (light to moderate weight)
STRENGTH 1)Two sets of: 30 Second Side Plank (left) 60 second plank 30 Second Side Plank (right) 30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar Rest 30 seconds 6 Kettlebell Windmills (each side) 8 Single Leg Hip Thrusts (each leg) 10 Alternating Cossack Squats Rest as needed 2)Back squat, Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 [...]
STRENGTH 10 sets 1)Standing tricep ext. Use two hands on one dumbbell. 3 sets of 15 reps build in weight over 8 sets 20 Weighted sit ups between every set (place dumbbell on chest) 3 sets 2) 30 Banded tricep pull downs into Single arm overhead carry 100 ft each arm 30 sec rest between [...]
Strength 3 sets 1) 2-Deadlfit to the knee pause for 3 seconds then lower to the ground + 1 deadlift Complete 8 reps of this complex for 3 sets Build in weight over 3 sets to about 50-60% of 1 rep max deadlift Rest as needed between sets 3 sets Super set 1) 10 single [...]
Today is a Rest Day for the program! WodStar Recovery Yoga is made for days like this... https://vimeo.com/193756013
Strength 1) Back Squat, 3 sets of 10 reps as heavy as possible 2-3 min rest between sets Rest as needed before step ups 2) Barbell front racked Step Ups. 10 reps per leg not alternating (Step up height = leg should be at a 90 degree angle. Step up) rest as needed 3-4 sets 3) [...]
Workout: FOR TIME “THE CALORIE BURNER” 21 mins, Every min on the min. Complete the task. Rest with extra time on the clock Min 1= 10 Burpees Min 2= 50 Double unders or 100 singles Min 3 =25 Sit ups Repeat for 7 rounds
Strength: 3 Sets of 1) 10 Single leg dumbbell deadlifts (light and good form) 10 per leg 2) 20 Glute bridges (use barbell if you can handle weight) Rest 90 secs between sets 3 Sets of 1) 10 Good mornings (4 sec eccentric motion) 2) 30 Second plank (add weight if possible) Rest 90 secs [...]
STRENGTH 1) 50 Behind the neck Strict Press for time Take every set to failure. Use a weight that allows for 10-12 reps at a time 4 Sets 2)10-12 Reps Single arm DB rows. 2 sec pause on the top, 3 seconds on the eccentric movement. Rest 60 seconds 3)10-12 DB Front raises (light weight, [...]
Strength: 1) Single leg Bulgarian split squat 3 sets of 8 reps per leg. Move slow and controlled Rest as needed before workout Workout: FOR TIME: 3 Rounds for time 10 Back squats 20 Box jumps Post workout core 3 Sets 10 Single leg kneeling windmill ball slams Kneeling on your left knee. Ball starts [...]
Strength: 1) Single leg Bulgarian split squat 3 sets of 8 reps per leg. Move slow and controlled Rest as needed before workout Workout: FOR TIME: 3 Rounds for time 10 Back squats 20 Box jumps Post workout core 3 Sets 10 Single leg kneeling windmill ball slams Kneeling on your left knee. Ball starts [...]
Today is a Rest Day for the program! WodStar Recovery Yoga is made for days like this...