Choose Your Favorite Wodstar and Get at Chance to Win!

In appreciation of our favorite coaches, we thought we'd do a little fun competition (and photag). Each one has their own personal discount code, so for the next 30 days you can sign up for any program on our platform using their coupon code for 50% off.

The coach that gets the most sign ups wins $500. And we'll enter the winning coaches' voters in a drawing for $500! 

Any program qualifies and doesn't have to be written by the specific coach.

If you are already a member, direct message us on Instagram with your vote!

Nicole Zapoli

Wodstar's original sweetheart...Gymnast, Coach, Model, American Ninja Warrior...what isn't she?!?!

Coupon Code: NZ50


Jason Sani

Nutritionist, Fitness Coach and Motivational Speaker, Jason can help you with both your fitness and life goals!

Coupon Code: JS50


Reach Your Fitness Goals One Pound at a Time!

Applying our programming methodology of constantly varied, daily workouts, we have a fitness program for any need from beginners to advanced we have a program perfect for you!

MIchael Frazier

Not just the best sports photographer in the business,  Michael's a master marketer that knows his craft!

Coupon Code: MF50


Justin Fallon

Multi-gym owner, Coach and 5x Regional Athlete...when Justin smiles, the flash of light could blind you!

Coupon Code: JF50
