Train Every Muscle in Your Body With One Piece of Equipment!
We didn’t invent the Kettlebell, but we know a good butt kicking when we get one. Too many of us are ignoring this amazing training tool, for with the proper programming, a couple of kettlebells can provide a full body workout.
Pulling from more than 80 videos from our exercise index, this program will train muscles in your body you never knew you had to get you strong and tone so you look and feel your best!
A kettlebell is a joint friendly, effective training tool that requires the body to use compound movements that will produce elite conditioning and strengthening. Join our Kettlebell Bootcamp program and be prepared for amazing results!
This Program is Perfect For:
Our kettlebell workouts are perfect for anyone who craves a high metabolic, strength and conditioning workout and:
- Might not have access to barbells
- May not want to use barbells
- May workout in a more traditional gym
- May workout from home
Skill Level: For intermediate and advanced athletes or gym owners to use in a class setting.
Can be done at a globo-gym or other fitness facility.
Equipment needed is a variety of Kettlebell weights, and a variety of other gym equipment (pull-up bar, med balls, boxes, rower, bikes, etc)
Why Our Workouts Achieve Better Results Faster!
The foundation of EVERY Wodstar program rests on the concept of constant variation. When you are performing the same workouts over a long enough period of time, you will plateau and come to a screeching halt in terms of progress in strength and endurance.
For that reason, a subscriber gets a Workout of the Day (“WOD”), where every day they receive a different and unique workout. These workouts combine strength building with aerobic activity, which not only breaks up the monotony of traditional workouts, but also leads to superior results.
We introduce different loads, time durations and movements to train muscles you never knew you had to keep your metabolic engine revving and achieve superior results in less time.
Use the Best Movement Videos on the Internet as Training Aids
Proper technique not only reduces the chances of injuries, but also maximizes the amount of weight a you can move. Many lifts are explosive and go by so fast that it's hard for the human eye to pick up on them. For that reason, we shot super slo-mo, crystal-clear 4K videos of the best movers in the business to demonstrate the proper technique.
You Will Get...
- Sample workouts
- In this exercise program, you will get a daily WOD (Workout of the Day) that includes:
- 5, 45 min workouts per week that includes strength work, intervals, and high intensity:
- Warm ups 5 min
- Strength components 10-20 min
- Workouts 10-20 min
- Finisher 6-7 min
- Mobility 10 min
- Programmed active rest day
- Programmed one off day
- Kettlebell strength and conditioning
- Post workout stretching videos to maximize recovery
- General Meal Planning Including Weekly Shopping List
- Cardiovascular/ fat burning/endurance
- Aerobic and anaerobic pathway training
- Bodyweight work
- Strength training
- Core Training
- General Physical Conditioning