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Hit about 5 Min of related tissue work, then:
15 PVC pass throughs
15 Push-up walk outs
15 Rower Pike ups

Coaches notes:

On the PVC pass throughs set your hands in a wide grip that allows you to pass the PVC over your head while maintaining straight arms. Get set with your feet either under your hips or squeezed together. Legs should be straight and fully engaged, tailbone tucked, glutes tight, belly button pulled toward your spine, ribs compressed toward your hips, shoulders pulled back and down, and eyes focused on the horizon. Shrug your shoulder up toward your ears before passing the PVC over your head to your low back. Press shoulders down and away from your ears before shrugging your shoulders back up toward your ears to then pass the PVC back over to where you started. Inch your hands in a little each time until your hands are set as close as they can be while still maintaining straight arms all the way through.

On the push up walk outs (inchworms), get set with your feet together as you do a forward fold bringing your hands flat to the floor with fingers spread wide. Keep your arms straight and actively block away from the floor as you walk your hands out to a high plank position stacking your shoulder over your elbow and wrist. Keep your shoulders and hips squared to the floor with as little shifting from side to side as possible.

On the rower pike ups make sure to set your hands shoulder width apart, fingers spread wide. Focus on blocking away from the floor up through your palm while keeping your arms straight. Hit your hollow in the foot elevated high plank position to begin with ribs compressed toward your hips and glutes engaged. Then aim to get your hips stacked directly over your shoulder and wrist as best as possible to form a straight line from your hip to your palm before returning back to your high plank position.

Workout: For Time
4 Rounds
30 Double-unders
20 DB snatch 35#
Rest 15 min

Coaches notes:

If you are still working on your double unders focus on setting a manageable rep count goal on your double under attempts. Add in as many single unders in between your doubles with the goal of keeping the rope going for as long as possible. Then, complete as many single unders as you need in between double under attempt sets before going for another set of double under attempts to ensure the intensity level is maintained without getting stuck whipping yourself on these for too long. Focus your eyes straight ahead while maintaining proper positioning throughout. Actively pull your shoulders down and back hugging your elbows slightly behind and in close to your body. The rotation of the rope should come from your wrists. Aim for light bounding on the floor through the ball of your foot. The ball of the foot should land first with only a light kiss of the heel to to the floor.

On your dumbbell snatches aim to keep your hips and shoulders squared straight ahead, hips below your shoulders, and use your legs to generate upward force on the dumbbell. Finish with the dumbbell in the overhead position while creating a straight line with your body from your wrist to your ankle.

Workout: For Time
6 Rounds
250 Meter row
Sled push moderate weight
10 Back squat 105#

Coaches notes:

On the sled push set your hands about midway down on the handles. Keep your shoulder girdle active, arms straight, and blocking away from the sled handles. Keep your eyes straight ahead.

On the back squats focus your eyes straight ahead while keeping your torso as upright as possible. Your knees should track with your toes and your weight should be evenly distributed across your whole foot all the way through. Drive upward through your midfoot with your shoulders and chest leading. Bring your hips back in vertical alignment with your shoulders, knees, and ankles while squeezing your glutes.

Hips and Hamstrings