2017 Crossfit Open Warm Up & Recovery Video Series
We asked Wodstar’s Yoga Expert, Stephanie Ring, to review each workout in the 2017 CrossFit Open when announced and put together a stretching regiment to perform before each WOD to LOOSEN YOU UP TO MAXIMIZE YOUR PERFORMANCE as well as a recovery stretching program after the WOD to ACCELERATE YOUR RECOVERY to keep you fresh for the next WOD.
Introduce these stretches to you members and spend 5 to 10 minutes before and after each 2017 CrossFit Open WOD and they will thank you, as you will help maximize their performance and minimize their soreness! For those that may re-test a WOD, this is essential!
Program Price: One time fee of $20.00, FREE if you purchase 6-month access to our Full Workout Recovery Series.
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