200 Meter run
20 Air squats
20 Turkish get ups (10 Each arm, try without weight first.  If you need a little resistance use a water bottle)

Dynamic Stretch:
Hollow Body Inchworm + Push-up + Downward Dog
10 Wall walks (go only as high as you feel comfortable)

Single Arm WATER BOTTLE Overhead Squat: 5 Sets of 10 Reps (3 Seconds down 1 Second up), Rest as needed between sets
Tuck Sit: (These can be done between two chairs ) 5 Sets of 30 Seconds, 1-2 Minute rest between sets

Tabata (20 sec on, 10 sec off… x 8 sets/ movement):
Mountain climbers
Tuck rocks between chairs
Air squats
Tight Arch Snow Angel

Hips and Hamstrings