Black Tiger Gymnastics 112422

By |2022-09-23T01:17:05+00:00November 22nd, 2022|Black Tiger|

Skill: A: 10 Min practice Ring muscle-ups with rings in hips height and athlete from the floor. Use false grip and pause 3 sec in each position. Coaches notes: Position 1: top of the pull with elbows pointed straight ahead and fists touching each other - pulling to the top of your rib cage - [...]

Black Tiger Gymnastics 112322

By |2022-09-23T01:16:30+00:00November 21st, 2022|Black Tiger|

Today is a Rest Day for the program! Hit your Rest Day Recovery here

Black Tiger Gymnastics 112222

By |2022-09-23T01:15:43+00:00November 20th, 2022|Black Tiger|

Warm-up: 2 Sets 10 Scap pull ups*use straight arm pull 5/5 Alternating pigeon*5-10 sec hold 10 Over/under arm swings Coaches notes: On the scap pull ups, pull your shoulders down and away from your ears while also pressing down onto the bar through your palms to activate your lats then return back to your starting position slow [...]

Black Tiger Gymnastics 112122

By |2022-09-23T01:15:06+00:00November 19th, 2022|Black Tiger|

Today is an Active Rest day for the program! 45 Mins of one of the following: Rowing Running Biking Swimming Enjoy! :)  

Black Tiger Gymnastics 112022

By |2022-09-23T01:14:29+00:00November 18th, 2022|Black Tiger|

Skill: A: 5 x 20 sec ring support with a turnout in hollow position ; rest 60 sec Coaches notes: On the support hold focus on keeping your eyes on the horizon, chest up, and your body in a straight line. Rings should be set shoulder width apart and remain parallel to each other. To [...]

Black Tiger Gymnastics 111922

By |2022-09-23T01:13:51+00:00November 17th, 2022|Black Tiger|

Skill: A: 3 Sets: 30 Sec supinated grip hang with thumb wrapped 30 Sec side plank left 30 Sec FLR scapular circles 30 Sec side plank right 3 Lateral lunges/leg *Rest 60 sec Coaches notes: Maintain active hollow position, shoulders, and scaps throughout side planks and scapular circles as well as your lats during the [...]

Black Tiger Gymnastics 111822

By |2022-09-23T01:13:10+00:00November 16th, 2022|Black Tiger|

Today is an active recovery/ rest day for the program! C: 7 rounds not for time: 1/1 Handstand walk progressions around the box (Feet on box, hips above shoulders) 20 Sec active neutral hang in hollow position 2 Wall walks 5 Candlestick roll up with feet together Coaches notes: Maintain focus on holding best position throughout each [...]

Black Tiger Gymnastics 111722

By |2022-09-23T01:12:07+00:00November 15th, 2022|Black Tiger|

Today is an active recovery/ rest day for the program! C: 7 rounds not for time: 1/1 Handstand walk progressions around the box (Feet on box, hips above shoulders) 20 Sec active neutral hang in hollow position 2 Wall walks 5 Candlestick roll up with feet together Coaches notes: Maintain focus on holding best position throughout each [...]

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