Crouching Tiger Muscle-Up Day 14

By |2017-01-06T04:45:27+00:00February 3rd, 2016|Tiger Muscle Up|

Today is a rest day for our Muscle Up Program.

Crouching Tiger Muscle-Up Day 13

By |2016-02-03T05:10:58+00:00February 3rd, 2016|Tiger Muscle Up|

Warm Up 400m Run 4 Wall Walks 20 PVC Pass Thru’s 10 Up Dog Down Dogs Muscle Up Training 3x15 Banded Supinated Lat Pull. Rest 60 sec between sets. Use the thickest band possible while keeping the elbows straight. 5x5 Ring Lever Swings. Keep butt squeezed and legs tight. Use band if needed. Rest as [...]

Crouching Tiger Muscle-Up Day 12

By |2017-01-06T04:44:31+00:00February 3rd, 2016|Tiger Muscle Up|

Warm Up: 30 Air Squats 20 PVC Pass Thrus 30 Overhead Squats With PVC Skill Work: Deficit Handstand Complex Complete 4 Rounds of: 3 Strict Handstand Push Ups 3 Kipping At a Deficit. Increase Deficit Each Round. Scale Accordingly Hang Snatch Max Hang Squat Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Snatch Pulls 3-3-3-3 Death By Overhead Squat/ Chest To [...]

Crouching Tiger Muscle-Up Day 11

By |2016-02-04T18:34:34+00:00February 2nd, 2016|Tiger Muscle Up|

Today is a rest day for the White Tiger Program.

Crouching Tiger Muscle-Up Day 10

By |2018-05-01T00:36:41+00:00February 2nd, 2016|Tiger Muscle Up|

Warm Up: Complete 1 round 400m Run 20 Arm Swings 30 second Pectoralis Stretch 30 second Skin the Cat Floor Stretch Muscle Up Training: 5x5 Tempo Bar Dips. 4 second descent, 3 second hold at the bottom. Rest 60 sec between rounds. 10 minutes of Perfect Jumping Bar Muscle Ups. Work up to the lowest [...]

Crouching Tiger Muscle-Up Day 9

By |2017-01-06T04:35:13+00:00February 2nd, 2016|Tiger Muscle Up|

Warm Up: Row Intervals: 1:00 @ 80% effort, rest 30 sec x5 Muscle Up Training: 3x10 Kneeling Banded Lat Pulls Max set perfect Strict Chest-to-Bar. Rest 3 min Max Set Strict Chest-to-Ring. Scale to max Strict Pull Up, or max ring Rows. 20 sec Single Arm Ring Plank (Video demonstrates Single Arm Plank). 10 sec [...]

Crouching Tiger Muscle-Up Day 8

By |2016-02-04T18:32:33+00:00February 2nd, 2016|Tiger Muscle Up|

Warm Up: 400m Run 3 Wall Walks 30 Sec Pectoral Stretch 30 Sec Skin The Cat Floor Stretch 30 Sec Bridge Hold Muscle Up Training: Complete 3 Rounds of: 1 Wall Walk 10 Sec Handstand Hold 10 Handstand Shoulder Shrugs 10 Alternating Handstand Shoulder Taps 10 Alternating Handstand Thigh Taps. 10 Sec Single Arm Handstand [...]

Crouching Tiger Muscle-Up Day 7

By |2016-02-02T23:44:55+00:00February 2nd, 2016|Tiger Muscle Up|

Today is a rest day for the White Tiger Program.

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