This is the 7 Day Trial to ALL Wodstar Subscription Programs so that Gym owners can review and sample any program in our fitness library.

You can view 7 days of any subscription program below to help you build a package that fits your needs.  (click links for more information on the specific program)

  • Wodstar Affiliate Program
  • Women's Lean Conditioning
  • Elite Competition Conditioning
  • Kettlebell Training
  • Burner High Impact Interval Training
  • Black Tiger Gymnastics strength and conditioning
  • Fitstrong: Strength & Conditioning


A: 2 Sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
Rest 15 Seconds

30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 15 Seconds

Reverse Grip Push-Ups x 10 reps @ 2-1-1-1
Rest 15 Seconds

Single-Arm Kettlebell Ring Row x 5 reps each arm @ 2-1-1-1
(keep your shoulders and hips squared up and your glutes and quads engaged to maintain perfect plank positioning throughout the movement)
Rest as needed

B: Amrap 4 min:
1 Rope climb
2 Pistols
3/3 Single arm Dumbbell Overhead squat

C: Amrap 4 min:
10 Pull-ups
15 Jumping air squats
20 Mountain climbers

D: Amrap 4min:
9 Strict ring dips
12 Handstand shoulder touches (or from feet on box)
15  Sec L-sit in rings or on boxes

Accessory Work:
E: 30 Sec hang in false grip on bar, rest 1 min
X 3 Sets

Shoulders and Hamstrings

A: 10 Min practice beat swings in rings
Less power is better, focus on being in control of the rhythm. Perfect hollow and arch body position.
In hollow the thumb should be pointed backwards and in the arch the thumb should be pointed forward.

B: 3 set
500 Meter row
10 Deficit Handstand push-ups @ 2″
20 Toes to bar
Rest 3 Min

Workout 2:
C: 3 Sets
20 Cal Bike
8 Strict Chest to bar
50 Feet handstand walk
Rest 3 Min

D: Stretch
60/60 Sec split

Shoulders and Spine

Today is a Rest Day for the program!

Rest Day Recovery today!

A: 10 Min practice roll up to candlestick and up to standing with feet together
Than try to do so with standing up with only one leg and then add jump

B1: 6/6 Single arm ring row, rest 30 sec
B2: 10 Beat swings in perfect hollow + 8 gymnastics kipping pull-ups or ring rows, rest 90 sec
X5 set

C: 12 min EMOM
Even: 20 sec L-sit on parallels
Odd: 30 Mountain climbers

D: 30 Burpee pull-up for time
(Or burpee jumping pull-up)

Low Back, Hips and Hamstrings

A1: 8 Dumbbell Z presses, rest 30 Sec (dual arm strict press from the seated position and legs in front of you)
A2: 30 Sec handstand with stomach facing wall
X 4 set

Skill Workout: 
B: 4 sets
3 Negative handstand push-ups with 4 Sec down
2/2 Pistols
6 Strict T2B
Rest 1 Min

Workout 2:
C: 4 sets
400 Meter row
8 Deficit Handstand push-ups from feet on box
10 Meter handstand walk
Rest 2 min

Accessory Work: 
D: 200/200 Meter single arm overhead dumbbell walk

Shoulders and Spine 

A: 2 sets:
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
**Rest 15 Seconds

10 Push-Ups
**Rest 15 Seconds

5/5 Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Press
**Rest 15 Seconds

8/8 Single-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Cossack Squat @ 2111
**Rest 15 Seconds

8 GHD Hip Extension @ 2012 (focus on glute activation and maintaining a hollow position)
**Rest 15 Seconds

Skill 2:
B1: 8 Jumping push ups up to plates, rest 30 Sec
B2: 100 Foot Overhead walk with Dumbbell, rest 90 Sec
X 4 set

C: 3 rounds not for time:
4 Toes to bar + 4 Chest to bar 
10-15 Feet handstand walk to the wall + 4 Strict Handstand Push up (or around the box + 4 HSPU)
30 Double under with Heavy rope
Rest 2 Min

D: 20 Wall walks for time
(no belly touching the wall only toes and nose, or go as far as you can with hollow)

Quads, Hips and Hamstrings

Today is a Rest Day for the program!

45 Mins of one of the following:



