MLF Group Home MLF Workouts


1)Single leg Bulgarian split squat
Build to a 10 rep max on each leg. (left and right leg might be slightly different choose a weight you can perform on both)

2)Drop to 85% and perform 3 sets of 10

Rest as needed before workout


2 rounds
50 air squats (GET LOW)
25 sit ups
50 walking lunges (add weight if possible)
25 lateral box-jumps 24/20
50 air squats
25 dips (box/bench/etc. Whatever is challenging for you)

“The Post Workout Pump”
Dumbbell Waterfall
Perform 40 alternating dumbbell curls (20 per arm) Start as heavy as possible and work your way down by 5lb increments until you reach 5lb dumbbells.