About Kaitlyn Visco

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So far Kaitlyn Visco has created 329 blog entries.


By |2016-07-03T18:16:21+00:00July 3rd, 2016|Jacked Unicorn|

Welcome to the CLB Jacked Unicorn Program! Click here to read an article on how to post a workout to the whiteboard and also where to find the feed. Click here to access our private Facebook group. Warm Up: 10 Kettlebell Swings 10 Ball slams 20/30# Skill: 4 Rounds 10 Muscle-up swing 20 Sec false [...]

Building Bridges Competitor 070416

By |2016-07-03T18:52:27+00:00July 3rd, 2016|Elite Competitor|

If you are missing a piece of equipment, click here for a Josh's substitution list. WOD 1: For time 1 Mile run 45# ruck 30 Squat clean thrusters 185/135# 1 Mile ruck 45# Strength: 20 Stones over yoke 215# WOD 2: 15:00 AMRAP 90' Farmer carry 150/105# in each hand  5 Rope climbs Wear 20# [...]

Building Bridges MLF 070416

By |2016-07-03T18:43:52+00:00July 3rd, 2016|MLF|

If you are missing a piece of equipment, click here for a Josh's substitution list. Endurance: Swim Warm up 100 meters easy 100 meters just kick Then 100 meters Rest 30 sec 200 meters Rest 30 sec 300 meters Rest 2 min x 2 Then EMOM swim 50 meters X 5 Tread water for 10 [...]

Wodstar 070216

By |2016-07-01T17:53:42+00:00July 2nd, 2016|Uncategorized|

Wodstar's WOD of the Day is a daily CrossFit workout that we post for general physical preparedness. We also feature targeted workouts to fit every need.


By |2016-07-02T05:10:55+00:00July 2nd, 2016|CLB Super Strength|

Welcome to the CLB Super Strength Unicorn Program! Click here to read an article on how to post a workout to the whiteboard and also where to find the feed. Click here to access our private Facebook group. Today is an active rest day, so do 45 minutes of one of the following at 50% [...]


By |2016-11-14T10:34:41+00:00July 2nd, 2016|CLB Super Strength|

Welcome to the CLB Super Strength Unicorn Program! Click here to read an article on how to post a workout to the whiteboard and also where to find the feed. Click here to access our private Facebook group. Warm Up: Band walk 25 meters forwards and backward x 2 rounds Sled March 2 x 100 [...]

Building Bridges MLF 070316

By |2016-07-02T05:28:21+00:00July 1st, 2016|MLF|

If you are missing a piece of equipment, click here for a Josh's substitution list. Strength: Back squat Same as last week  One bar with a partner for time  6 x 155/110# 6 x 175/125# 6 x 205/145# 6 x 225/155# 6 x 245/170# 6 x 265/185# 6 x 285/200# Rest 10 min repeat  WOD: [...]

Building Bridges Competitor 070316

By |2016-07-02T05:21:13+00:00July 1st, 2016|Elite Competitor|

If you are missing a piece of equipment, click here for a Josh's substitution list. WOD 1: For time Back squat For time, with a partner, so you go they go 8 reps of following  225/155# 245/170# 265/185# 285/200# 305/215# 325/230# 345/245# Rest 6 minutes, then do it again  Strength: 1 Power clean plus 3 [...]

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