Lean 022124
REST DAY! Here is your Recover Mobility
REST DAY! Here is your Recover Mobility
Skill: A: Warm up your wrist well then practice any variation of press handstand drills for 10 minutes. Strength: B1: 8 Ring push-ups with turn out @ 22 X 1, rest 30 Sec B2: 10 Beat swings, rest 30 Sec B3: 8 Hollow to L-sit on kettlebells, rest 1 Min X 4 sets Coaches [...]
ACTIVE RECOVERY DAY! Warmup: 10 min AB- EASY + 10 min dynamic stretch + A) 60 min AMRAP: 40 cal on AB 10 KB Windmills/side 20 Freestanding HS Shoulder Taps 10 Pistols/leg *add weight 20 Tuck Rocks on Parallettes + Cooldown: 10-15 min yoga flow + Recover Mobility
Warm Up: A: 3 x 10 Leg kicks in each direction ; RAN Forward Side Backward Coaches notes: Maintain straight legs with toes pointed while bracing through the midline compressing ribs to hips and pulling shoulders down and back. Keep hips and shoulders squared straight ahead depending on which direction you are facing in each [...]
Warm-up 10/10 Up and Over the Fence 20/20 PVC Side to Side Swing 20 PVC Good Mornings 20 PVC Overhead Squats 20 PVC Pass Throughs Coaches notes: On the leg swings, focus on maintaining straight legs with pointed toes. Keep your hips and shoulders squared to the direction you are facing. On the good mornings [...]
Strength: A: 2 sets 8 Tempo push-ups 30 Supinated hang on bar 6/6 Kettlebell windmills 10 Russian baby maker squats Rest as needed between sets. Coaches notes: On the push ups set your hands shoulder width apart so that your shoulder is stacked directly over your elbow and wrist. Focus on holding a tight [...]
Warm-up 3 Sets 50 Meter Butt kicks 3 Wall Walks 50 meter High knees 1:00 Jog Coaches notes: On your high knees and butt kicks focus on keeping your eyes straight ahead keeping your torso vertical with your shoulders stacked over your hips and braced through your midline. With both of these aim for quick, fast feet rather [...]
Skill: A1: 3 x 10 sec hang in false grip ; rest 30 sec A2: 3 x 20/20 sec side plank ; rest 30 sec Coaches notes: While hanging in false grip keep your shoulder girdle active. Pull your shoulders down and away from your ears, compress your ribs towards your hips, squeeze your glutes, [...]
ACTIVE RECOVERY DAY! A) 60 minute for max distance: swimming + Cooldown: 5-10 min yoga flow + Recover Mobility
Warm Up: A: 2 Sets: 10 Meter broad jumps 10 Meter frog jumps 10 Meter single leg jump left 10 Meter single leg jump right Coaches notes: Stay low to the floor and drive hard with your legs forward rather than jumping up. Focus on hitting a solid landing position throughout the broad jump portion [...]
Warm-up: 3 Sets 10 Air squats 10 Walking lunges (light) 10 PVC pass throughs 10 Touch downs 250 Meter row Coaches notes: On the air squats focus your eyes straight ahead while keeping your torso as upright as possible. Knees should track with your toes and weight should be evenly distributed across your whole foot all the way through. Drive upward [...]
Skill: A: Warm up your wrist well then practice for 10 Min handstand pressing drills Strength: B1: 4 x 8 Ring push-ups with turn out @ 22 X 1 ; rest 30 Sec B2: 4 x 10 Beat swings ; rest 30 Sec B3: 4 x 8 Hollow to L-sit on kettlebells ; rest 1 [...]