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Warm up:
Easy jog 400 Meters
10/10 Hip circles
20 Meter High knees
20 Meter Butt kickers
20 Meter “A” Skip
20 Meter High kicks

Coaches notes:

On your high knees and butt kicks focus on keeping your eyes straight ahead keeping your torso vertical with your shoulders stacked over your hips and braced through your midline. With both of these aim for quick, fast feet rather than distance. On your butt kicks pull with the hamstring keeping your toes pointed toward the floor and ankle in line with the other leg. On the high knees pull the knee toward your chest and landing on the ball of your foot with a light kiss of the heel to the floor at most every step.

On all bounding movements aim to land lightly on the ball of your foot lightly kissing your heel to the floor before bounding upward. Keep your torso upright as best as possible with your eyes on the horizon.

Strength: EMOM for 8:00
Min 1: Ring push ups to failure
Min 2: Top of pull-up or chin-up x max hold

Coaches notes:

On the ring push ups focus on holding a tight hollow position maintaining tension throughout your entire trunk, shoulder girdle, and posterior chain aiming to move as one piece keeping the rings parallel to one another. To modify walk your feet forward or elevate your hands on a box or bench.

On the pull up hold make sure to wrap your thumbs as well as actively keep your shoulders pulled down and away from your ears to keep your lats and shoulder girdle activated. Hold your chin above the bar for as long as possible while maintaining proper position throughout. Modify with a ring row hold. Walk your feet back as much as needed. Body position stays the same no matter what variation you do.

WOD: Any order, any way, for time
Accumulate 15 Cal bike (arms only)
Accumulate 25 Cal bike (legs only)
40 Ring pull ups
40 Ring dips
60 Wall ball sit ups (14)
1 Mile run

Coaches notes:

On the ring pull ups make sure to wrap your thumbs as well as actively keep your shoulders pulled down and away from your ears to keep your lats and shoulder girdle activated. Modify with ring rows. Remember to hold your tight hollow all the way through and aim for full ROM every rep. Walk your feet back as much as needed. Body position stays the same no matter what variation you do.

On the ring dips focus on keeping your eyes on the horizon, chest up, and your body in a straight line. Rings should be set shoulder width apart and remain parallel to each other while keeping your elbows in throughout the dip portion. Aim to go as deep as you can trying to get your shoulder below your elbow in the bottom. Finish every rep with straight arms and a turnout at the top. To modify lower the rings and do floor assisted with tops of your feet pressed into the floor as needed.

On the wall ball sit ups, hug the ball into your chest as lower into the bottom of your sit up. Extend the ball overhead to the floor in the bottom before returning it back to your chest to sit up. As you sit up keep your eyes straight ahead and your head in a neutral position.

Low Back and Hamstrings