Virtually any method of strength training will get results for the novice or untrained lifter.
A program with any significant level of intensity and functional movements; whether it be lifting soup cans, P-90-X, INSANITY, CrossFit, or Westside Barbell’s conjugate method, will enhance the strength of an individual in just a few weeks.
For this reason it can be very deceiving or misleading to interpret the results shown by the exposure to training programs on novice athletes as a qualification of a programs effectiveness. We see this all the time with the latest fitness fads on TV in the form of the ShakeWeight, Tony Little’s Gazelle training, The Perfect Pushup, Zumba, etc….
Something is always better than nothing, but what does this usually breed? Relatively inexperienced athletes moving with less than desirable technique, who achieve initial success and then plateau or recede due to injury, poor movement patterns, or lack of appropriate progression.
So how do you set a foundation for continued success? What should you be looking for as an athlete that is new to strength training?
Take the time to set the good foundations of basic movements.
New athletes should take the time to restore the range and correct pattern of basic movements. Anyone can slap weight on a barbell. It takes skill and dedication to move with virtuosity. Setting this foundation will raise your ceiling in the long run by increasing athletic potential, decreasing the risk of injury and ensuring a more fruitful and productive athletic life.
Here are some basic concepts of movement:
1) Develop Proper Core Strength
Core strength is the ability to support and maintain a neutral position of the spine as you move about the hips, knees, and shoulders. This position evenly loads the discs of the spine reducing shear and creating a safe and effective transmission of forces. Practice holding the spine long and still whenever lifting weight.
2) Work on Tapping Into Your Power Center
Athletes need to access the biggest most powerful muscle groups in the body: the glutes, hamstrings and spinal erectors on the back side of the body. This area is from the knees to the upper back. The “power center” is where massive force can be produced and translated through the hips. You can recruit into this musculature by initiating movement with the hips first, balancing weight in the heels, and arching to back to load the backside up while maintaining a strong position for the lower back.
3) Practice Moving in Proximal to Distal Patterns
High levels of power are generated from the center out. This happens in a wave of contractions the start at the core and end at the extremities. You want to let the force of your hips carry over to your arms by not violating this natural chain of movement. Error can be seem in movements such as prematurely bending the arms in the Olympic lifts or pressing early in movements such as the push press.
4) Restore Your Body’s Full Range of Motion
Athletes should be moving through their anatomical full range of motion. Partial range of motion results in partial strength and partial flexibility. To ensure good muscular balance and enhance muscular recruitment require full range exercises. This should be the first plan of attack…DO NOT WAIT! You won’t learn to go full range once you develop a 400lb quarter squat.
Anyone can use intensity to get in shape. It is the knowledge of your movement and mastering an appropriate prescription that preserves good technique that will ensure the continued athletic development. Use these principals to differentiate yourself and your training from others.
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